Riba-roja de Túria

Climate adaptation

GUARDIAN - Green Urban Actions for Resilient fire Defence of the Interface Area

GUARDIAN is a pioneering model of sustainable, innovative management of the natural environment, which will ensure the safety of the citizens of Riba-roja and contribute to the preservation of the Natural Park of Túria and La Vallesa. 

Robert Raga Gadea, Mayor of Riba-roja
Chiffres clef
forest fires in the area, during the period 2000-2016
inhabitants potentially affected by fires in the wildland-urban interface
+50% to +100%
expected increase in forest fire danger in the region during the present century, due to climate change (source: JRC 2016)
EUR 4,395,803.80
Total ERDF budget granted
Challenge addressed

The urban areas of Riba-roja and Paterna, share the protected wildland zone “La Vallesa”, which is part of the Natural Park “Parque Natural del Turia”, located in a highly urbanised environment. The wildland-urban interface between this park and these two cities is subject to the growing risk posed by forest fires, further impacted by the effects of climate change. This hazard is maximised by its progressive incorporation within the urban area and certain degradation (agriculture abandonment, insufficient forestry management). As an example, in the period 2000-2016, the Riba-roja area experienced 40 forest fires, while that of Paterna recorded 19. These fires are becoming more frequent in the last years, and potentially more destructive due to the rapid urban development.

Solution proposed

The project adopts a combined strategy based on the use of recycled water for fire mitigation and protection, providing preventive irrigation and extinction water spraying patterns automatically programmed. GUARDIAN will implement the hydraulic infrastructure to supply recycled water from the Waste Water Treatment Plant Camp del Turia II to the Wildland-Urban Interface of La Vallesa, and the elements (irrigation and sprinkler towers) which make up the defensive barrier. The installation, positioned in the fire line between forests and urban areas, will integrate irrigation and fireplugs with high-pressure hydrant cannons covering the perimeter. 
The operation of the fire prevention and suppression infrastructure will be based on sensor networks and forecast services processed by an automatic system.
In order to support this hydraulic infrastructure, GUARDIAN will also make use of an existing wetland (Vallesa pond) as an emergency reservoir added to tanks in the system. In order to achieve the required water quality for the project’s goals, a modular advanced water treatment will be implemented at the existing facility.
Furthermore, soil and vegetation works (reduction of tree density, particularly sunken or enfeebled ones, ladder fuels, pruning, shrub spacing, slash and vegetation debris reduction etc.) will be carried out, improving the ecologic conditions and the fire resilience of the Vallesa forest.
Last but not least, training to upgrade the preparedness of the population will be carried out, in order to enhance risk perception, create awareness on fire mechanisms, communicate the basis of the project and improve self-protection (fire resilient gardening, household protection…).

  • Riba-roja de Túria
  • Paterna
  • Hidraqua - public water management company
  • Medi XXI - SME
  • Cetaqua - higher education and research institutes
  • IIAMA, Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) - higher education and research institute
  • University of Valencia - higher education and research institute
Expected results

The project will raise the degree of protection and resilience against the impact of fires in the urban-wildland interface. This result will be based on the implementation of surveillance and detection, defensive infrastructures, forestry management and improved self-protection capacities for citizens. 
GUARDIAN will also enhance the ecologic condition of the Turia Natural Park peri-urban area, recovering abandoned agriculture parcels and restoring the degraded Vallesa wetland. This output will also provide a valuable green area for the enjoyment of the citizens of Riba-Roja.
The new waste water treatment module will give access to a new water resource (recycled water) for further uses, and avoid the discharge of pesticides and other pollutants to the Turia River.

Main milestones

May 2019: Fieldwork and sensor deployment plan delivered. Detailed design of the advanced waste water treatment module. First forestry management campaign. First self-protection and awareness training for citizens.
December 2019: Detailed definition of the fire protection infrastructure. Waste water treatment module installation. 
April 2020: Second forestry management campaign and green belt planting. End of waste water treatment module tests, ready for operation.
November 2020: Fire protection infrastructure operative. Start of hydraulic system tests. Guardian CCS (automated command system) delivered.
April 2021: Second self-protection training and local communication actions.  Third forestry management campaign. Full system ready for automated operation.
November 2021: Summer campaign conclusions. Final social, environmental and economic analysis of results, including replicability and transferability criteria.

Chiffres clef
forest fires in the area, during the period 2000-2016
inhabitants potentially affected by fires in the wildland-urban interface
+50% to +100%
expected increase in forest fire danger in the region during the present century, due to climate change (source: JRC 2016)
EUR 4,395,803.80
Total ERDF budget granted
Contact du project
Vicente Adobes Golfe
Project manager
Elsa Pastor
UIA Expert

Actualités du projet


The GUARDIAN Project - Journal nº4

Prescribed fire

Prescribed burning in GUARDIAN project: what could have been but never was…

In this article the UIA expert Elsa Pastor delves into the significance of prescribed fire, an activity initially programmed in GUARDIAN, a vital comp...
GUARDIAN water towers

Demonstrating GUARDIAN economic feasibility

In this article the UIA expert Elsa Pastor digs into the ecosystem services’ valuation of La Vallesa forest to demonstrate the economic viability of t...
Fire-suppression training with residents

Zoom in: GUARDIAN community engagement - How can residents contribute to fire resilience

In this zoom-in the UIA expert Elsa Pastor digs into the participatory approach that GUARDIAN has implemented to engage communities within the global ...
Wildfire in Venta del Moro, 4th July 2022

Looking at the GUARDIAN system’s “brain”: The NetSense SIDEINFO platform

In this article we show the main features of the monitoring, control and intelligence system that Medi XXI has designed for the GUARDIAN project. This...
Trenor country house

GUARDIAN is officially inaugurated!

In this article we provide all the details of the GUARDIAN official opening event that took place at Riba-roja and Paterna last April 7th. It was a gr...

GUARDIAN Journal 3: get an update about Riba Roja de Turia's project

In the third Journal of the Guardian project UIA expert Elsa Pastor reports on project progress during year 2021. She also analyses cross-cutting impl...
Ferran Dalmau

Zoom-in: Interview to Ferran Dalmau, MSc on Wildland Fire Science and Integrative Management, Medi XXI CEO

In this Zoom-in we summarize the conversation that we had with Ferran on less visible yet important aspects of the GUARDIAN project. During the interv...
The Secretary of State for the Environment, Hugo Moran, visits the GUARDIAN project, the largest forest fire infrastructure in Europe

The Secretary's of State for the Environment visit to the GUARDIAN project

The Secretary of State for the Environment, Hugo Morán, accompanied by the Government Delegate, Gloria Calero, visited the largest firefighting infras...
Parc Natural del Túria

Analysing the economic viability of GUARDIAN: current challenges and expected outcomes

In this article we present a preliminary overview of the methods and challenges that prof. Francesc Hérnandez and his team at Universitat de València ...
firefighting infrastructure

The second largest firefighting infrastructure in the world begins the first pilot tests

In recent weeks, the GUARDIAN project, aimed at increasing fire resilience in urban-forest interface areas of the Parc Natural del Túria, is carrying ...
Riba-Roja de Túria

GUARDIAN Journal 2: get an update about Riba Roja de Turia's project

In the second Journal of the Guardian project UIA expert Elsa Pastor reports on project progress during year 2020. She also analyses cross-cutting imp...
The water reclamation plant

The water reclamation plant

In the 1st zoom-in of the GUARDIAN project, UIA expert Elsa Pastor dives into the first piece of water infrastructure designed and implemented in GUAR...
Monitored trees at La Vallesa forest

Unsupervised irrigation, how GUARDIAN scientists satisfy their thirst for innovation

Automatic preventive irrigation through water canyons is one of the several fire management actions that GUARDIAN is implementing at La Vallesa Wildla...
GUARDIAN Expert Journal 1: Get to know the project and what happened in the first 6 months!

GUARDIAN Expert Journal 1: Get to know the project and what happened in the first 6 months!

In her 1st Journal, Elsa Pastor, UIA expert of the GUARDIAN project, discusses all key activities that you need to know about GUARDIAN, what the proje...
GUARDIAN at Efiaqua event

GUARDIAN stand and presentations at the International Fair for Efficient Water Management (EFIAQUA)

The GUARDIAN project has been showcased at Efiaqua, the International Fair for Efficient Water Management, through a dedicated stand and two round tab...

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