Project news
Modifier 25 June 2021
by City of Fuenlabrada

The MILMA project’s final event will take place on 30th june.

Milma final event
The MILMA Project will share its experience and lessons learnt in the final event which will take place in Los Arcos’ space and will be also open to the public online in Spanish.

The event will take place in Spanish, thus use this link to fill the registration form until 29th June. Then, you will receive the link to join the event online the day before.  Furthermore, the conference will be also available in English on MILMA’s Project YouTube channel.

Objective of the conference:

To present the MILMA initiative. Funded by the EU in the framework of its experimental programme Urban Innovative Actions, MILMA has been working for 3 years on the development of an efficient and innovative model of access to employment for the labour insertion of unemployed people, with special attention to the exclusion processes of immigrants and refugees. Where did we start? Who has been part of this journey and how have they contributed to its success? What is the challenge and what does the commitment to experimentation and innovation offer to address the challenges of urban development?

Would you like to take a look at the agenda? Here you have it.


09.45-10.00 Reception of participants.

10.00-10.15 Institutional welcome by Javier Ayala, Mayor of Fuenlabrada.

10.15- 10.45 What is MILMA?

-    What is MILMA? Video presentation of the initiative.

- The MILMA Project: contextualisation, design, structure, methodology and intervention strategy.

Camille Degryse. Finance officer of UIA

Juan Carlos Hernández Navas. Technical Director for the management of city projects and Coordinator of the MILMA Project.

- The ETEIs Manual - Experimental Teams for Inclusion and Employment. A unique and integrated model in technical training for the development of transversal competencies or soft skills.

Miriam Dácil Darias Pérez. Technician in charge of adapting the methodology of the Employment Launchers of the Santa María La Real Foundation to the MILMA Model.

- Round of questions.

10.45-11.30 Where did we start from and how has the MILMA model evolved?

- Introductory video: BC-Labs in action.

- The evolution of the MILMA Project. The UIA innovation model and the need to adapt projects to the needs of a changing environment.

Magdalena López Herrador. Manager of CIFE.

- The importance of public-private partnerships for the success of the model. Experiences of the companies participating in the MILMA Project.

Beatriz Aylagas. Head of CSR and sustainability at Ecoembes.

Ignacio Gil García. President of the Asociación de Instalación de Pavimentos Ligeros APR.

Gema Sarmiento Beltrán. Manager of the University Hospital of Fuenlabrada.

- Round of questions.

11.30-11.40 Break.

11.40-12.30 And then, where have we got to?

- Results, lessons learned and replicability of the MILMA Project.

Fernando Varela de Ugarte. Director of Social Gob.

- The heart of the MILMA Project. Participants present their experiences.

MILMA PROJECT participant.

MILMA PROJECT participant.

- Round of questions.

- Farewell by the Councillor for Economic Development, Employment, Trade and Industry and External Cooperation, Soledad Martín.


Find here the invitation to the event
