Modifier 20 March 2019
by Miguel Lucena Barranquer, UIA expert

Zoom-in video on BRICK-BEACH project

Brick-Beach Zoom-in 1
Construction and demolition waste is always seen as one of the main barriers for implementing a circular economy. Instead, in Velez-Malaga they saw it as an opportunity and thanks to BRICK_BEACH they are using debris to regenerate a sandy beach inside the city. Have a look at this video developed by UIA Expert Miguel Lucena.


Other news from this project


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BRICK BEACH- Final achievements...

BRICK-BEACH - Artificial regeneration of urban beaches with eroded recylced aggregates

Circular economy

Velez-malaga - Spain

Économie circulaire
The current state of Mezquitilla beach

BRICK-BEACH: a missed opportunity ? Zoom-in 3

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BRICK-BEACH - Artificial regeneration of urban beaches with eroded recylced aggregates

Circular economy

Velez-malaga - Spain

Circular economy
Cover picture

BRICK-BEACH: A new impetus for the project, but will be it enough?

In this 5th Journal, Miguel Lucena will guide you through the most relevant news of the last 6 months for BRICK-BEACH project. With the approval of th...

BRICK-BEACH - Artificial regeneration of urban beaches with eroded recylced aggregates

Circular economy

Velez-malaga - Spain

Économie circulaire

A circular economy project for the citizens, with the citizens: BRICK-BEACH engagement process - ZOOM IN 2

The first Zoom-in published in January 2019, was intended to give an overview of the BRICK-BEACH project and collect the opinion of the partners invol...

BRICK-BEACH - Artificial regeneration of urban beaches with eroded recylced aggregates

Circular economy

Velez-malaga - Spain

Économie circulaire
BRICK-BEACH journal - facing Covid 19

BRICK-BEACH journal - facing Covid 19 and other challenges

In this fourth Journal of BRICK-BEACH project, UIA Expert Miguel Lucena reports on the advancement of the project till March 2020. With the project at...

BRICK-BEACH - Artificial regeneration of urban beaches with eroded recylced aggregates

Circular economy

Velez-malaga - Spain

BRICK-BEACH Journal 3: overcoming some of the challenges related to its infrastructural activities

BRICK-BEACH Journal 3: overcoming some of the challenges related to its infrastructural activities

In the third Journal of BRICK-BEACH, UIA Expert Miguel Lucena shows how the project is currently overcoming some of the challenges related to its infr...

BRICK-BEACH - Artificial regeneration of urban beaches with eroded recylced aggregates

Circular economy

Velez-malaga - Spain

Brick Beach regeneration of the “Mazquitilla” Beach


This second Journal of BRICK-BEACH reports on the advancement of the project till March 2019 and focuses on the activities realised in different areas...

BRICK-BEACH - Artificial regeneration of urban beaches with eroded recylced aggregates

Circular economy

Velez-malaga - Spain

Brick-Beach Journal 1

BRICK-BEACH UIA Expert Journal – tackling illegal dumps and recycling waste to recover its lost beach

UIA Expert, Miguel Lucena, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented ...

BRICK-BEACH - Artificial regeneration of urban beaches with eroded recylced aggregates

Circular economy

Velez-malaga - Spain

On the project's side - Interview of the BRICK-BEACH project

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BRICK-BEACH - Artificial regeneration of urban beaches with eroded recylced aggregates

Circular economy

Velez-malaga - Spain