What companies think about MILMA
MILMA Project launched an evaluation paper in order to know the opinion of the companies collaborating in the Project. In general, the Project got great feedback from companies. Almost the totality of them considered that this experience fit their expectations. Moreover, all companies would recommend to other to participate in the Project.
However, most of the companies agreed that external communication is an improvement area. Moreover, they look for getting a greater impact on their corporate image. These sections got 3 and 4 points on a 5-point scale.
Likewise, most of the companies perceived a good general image of the Project. From the companies perspective the image of the Project got 4 and 5 point on a 5-point scale.
Regarding to the contents and the training, almost 60% of the companies collaborated on the definition of the theoretical and practical contents.
In this respect, there were different opinions about if the contents fit with the needs of companies. Few companies assessed 1, 2 and 5 points on a 5-point scale on this section while most of them assessed 3 and 4 points.
The companies, which did not collaborate in the design of a business challenge, provided the following reason: “It is better provide a general training than working on something very specific”.
In summary, we consider this Project an opportunity to generate new ways of public-private collaboration. On the second edition, we will continue working to improve the areas where the Project is not as good as companies deserve. However, our perception is that MILMA is an opportunity, not only for companies, but also for the integration of unemployed people.