Webinar on the hype of collective autonomous mobility

The participants at the webinar were introduced to the experiences from the LINC project with a six-months test of self-driving shuttles at the Danish Technical University (DTU). This meant an online travel through topics such as:
- The LINC project at a glance – Why is autonomous collective mobility important?
- LINC: The long road getting AVs on the streets of DTU Lyngby Campus, Denmark
- Experiences with the AV legislative framework in Denmark and abroad
- Combined operational insights from AV shuttles and smartphones
- User experience and shuttle behavior
- From Copenhagen to Stockholm – experiences with a 3. generation Easymile AV
- New ways of optimizing public transport – smartphone sensing platform
- Potentials for a collective and autonomous first-/last mile shuttle service for Greater Copenhagen Lightrail
If you missed the webinar, you can watch it here:
You can also check out the presentations from the webinar in the below program for the webinar:
The LINC project at a glance – Why is autonomous collective mobility important?
Kenneth Jørgensen, Senior Project manager, Gate 21
Download presentation here.
The journey to get AVs on the streets of Denmark
LINC: The long road getting AVs on the streets of DTU Lyngby Campus, Denmark
Søren Jacobsen, Project Manager, Nobina Denmark
Download presentation here.
Experiences with the AV legislative framework in Denmark and abroad
Nanna Feldthaus, Head of Project Planning, HOLO
Download presentation here.
Are users ready for autonomous collective mobility or vice versa?
LINC: Combined operational insights from AV shuttles and smartphones
Valentino Servizi, PHD Candidate, Machine Learning for Smart Mobility Group, Danish Technical University (DTU)
Download presentation here.
LINC: User experience and shuttle behavior
Hannah Villadsen, Postdoc, PhD, Roskilde University (RUC)
Download presentation here.
From Copenhagen to Stockholm – experiences with a 3. generation Easymile AV
Robert Engstrøm, Project manager, Nobina Technology AB
Download presentation here.
Demand-driven public transport (partnertalk – no presentation)
New ways of optimizing public transport – smartphone sensing platform
Per Bækgaard, Associate Professor, PhD, MSc EE, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Danish Technical University (DTU)
Potentials for autonomous collective mobility and sustainable city development (partnertalks – no presentation)
Potentials for a collective and autonomous first-/last mile shuttle service for Greater Copenhagen Lightrail
Jeppe Rich, Professor, Head of section, Department of Technology, Management and Economics, Danish Technical University (DTU)
AV potentials for sustainable city planning
Søren Kehr, Project Manager for Hersted Industrial Park, City of Albertslund
Panel discussion – the role of autonomous collective mobility
Does autonomous collective mobility play a role in creating sustainable cities?
The panelists were:
- Marie Guldborg, Head of Department, Technology and Environment Department, City of Albertslund
- Martin Manthorpe, Director for strategy, business development and public affairs
- Robert Martin, Head of Mobility, JAJA Architects.
- Hannah Villadsen, Postdoc, PhD, Roskilde University Center (RUC)
Future UIA: What comes next as a new model for innovative actions under the European Urban Initiative.
Nelida Hancco-Herrera, Project Officer, Urban Innovative Actions
Download presentation here.