Victimization Safety Diagnostic Research
The objective of the present diagnostic research is to achieve a detailed picture of the dimensions of criminality and insecurity as well as the factors related to it, in the 2nd and 5th municipal departments of the city of Piraeus. In this context, two diagnostic researches were implemented in the abovementioned municipal departments. The first research, which concerns the general population, was carried out through telephone interviews with a representative sample of households in the area of interest. The second research was carried out among professionals of that area, in their workplace, using the method of personal interviews (Face to Face). The purpose of the survey in the general population was to measure, among others, the baseline values of specific result indicators that refer to: a) perception of safety, b) fear of crime, c) individual participation in community-based crime policy, d) intention to participate in community-based crime policy and e) citizens' trust to local authorities regarding urban security issues.
Throughout the 2nd phase of the implementation of the BSFS program both the survey of the general population and the shopkeeper survey will be repeated in order to evaluate the impact of the project. Especially for the survey of the general population, the values of the aforementioned efficiency indicators will be re-evaluated.
In the following chapters, the key stages of the implementation and findings of this first diagnostic survey in the general population of the 2nd and 5th Municipal Districts of Piraeus will be presented.
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