Urban security brings cities together: Tampere, New York, Athens and Jerusalem having an equal discussion about safety and security

Tampere has rapidly consolidated its position in the field of safety and security technology development and Tampere-based companies have innovative solutions to offer. SURE project has assisted in this immensely.
An international seminar Keeping Cities Vital – Public Space and Resilience organised by SURE project 26 November 2020 brings together top experts to discuss about urban security and how it is interlinked with cities´ competitiveness, vitality and resilience.
Urban development experts from Israel, Greece, US and Finland offer aspects to city vitality and urban safety. Mr Roy Folkman introduces lessons learned from Israel and Ms Maria Logotheti explains how city of Athens have managed to turn crisis into opportunities. The debaters will highlight experiences from US and Finland and tell how service design can support the urban security development.
The live webcast is produced by the SURE! project from Tampere, Finland and it is hosted by a well-known Finnish journalist Katja Pantzar.
Registration to the seminar: https://suretampere.fi/
SURE website: https://smarttampere.fi/en/sure-smart-urban-security-and-event-resilience/