TMaaS launches Open Call for Replicator Cities worldwide

The development of the TMaaS dashboard for Ghent is currently in full swing and it is expected that the first prototype will be tested by the Mobility Company of the City of Ghent this summer, during the Ghent Festivities.
The members of the TMaaS team are looking forward to the collaborative venture with the selected TMaaS Replicator cities that will start later this year.
"We offer three cities worldwide the opportunity to experiment with the TMaaS dashboard and discover how TMaaS can be used as a tool to tackle local mobility issues.
As with Ghent, we will be studying these cities very closely and testing which data sources we can use locally in addition to the basic dashboard, to make them even better and more user-friendly for the residents and the traffic managers." says Jens De Valck, TMaaS systems architect (Be-Mobile)
Ghent wants to take control of its mobility management
The goal of TMaaS is to develop a new, user-oriented and future-proof concept for the analysis, management and communication of mobility data. The dashboard is being developed for both professional users and citizens.
"The aim of the city of Ghent is not to become a smart city, but to make people (even) smart(er). Unnecessary travel can be avoided by providing people with information in advance, so that they can make informed choices based on this input. Digitization of our services and the clear presentation of the many different transport options in our city play an important role in this. We believe that making the right travel choices provides a higher quality of life for everyone living or working in or visiting Ghent.", Frank Vandenbulcke, Director Mobility Company of the City of Gent
Traffic Management as a Service
TMaaS is a neutral traffic management framework for urban mobility, developed by TMaaS and aimed at small and medium sized cities. It will be used both by mobility managers and citizens. TMaaS will accept and connect multimodal data and services from different parties aimed at monitoring, analysing and managing mobility. TMaaS is an open urban marketplace where third parties can bring their innovative solutions and business models. Our aim is to use TMaaS as a tool for citizen participation and co-creation in urban mobility.
TMaaS will be demonstrated in real use cases for the city of Ghent and selected replicator cities around the world.
Deadline for online applications: 30 June 2019