Széchenyi Square Swarming with Scooters and Mini Motorbikes

This event of the SasMob Programme, which the city of Szeged and several local employers joined years ago, was organised primarily for families. – The purpose of this event is to raise awareness about the advantages of alternatives to cars in transportation. Our aim is to present these here – said Ágnes Erdei, Manager of the Szeged Unit of evosoft Hungary Kft. and event organiser. The company is not new to the SasMob Programme and has environmental consciousness and a healthy lifestyle among its priorities – employees bike to work if they can. To the great joy of local families, the entire city had been invited to the “Let Us Move Together” day.
Kindergarteners and lower graders could practice in a mobile traffic park on vehicles provided for the event – scooters, running bikes and mini motorbikes. With the help of instructors, they could learn and practice safe road use, the meanings of road signs and traffic lights and the rules for the use of roads.
Lujzi, for example, came from England, visited the event with her grandfather and tried out the traffic park on a scooter. The dustcart was a great favourite: visitors could admire one such vehicle of the local environmental management company – the aim being to raise awareness about, among others, the importance of separate waste collection.
On the skill course, special vehicles like the swing car, the swing scooter, the waveboard and the skateboard could be tried out – these were very popular not only with children but also their fathers. Other attractions at the Széchenyi Square event included quiz games and a vintage tram.
Photo: Ivett Frank,