Expert article
Cluj Future of Work Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Modifier 30 January 2021
by Simone d'Antonio

Skills development as opportunity for local growth: a new approach with Culturepreneurs in Cluj-Napoca

The launch of the Culturepreneurs edition 20/21
The kick-off of the entrepreneurial educational programme of Cluj Future of Work paves the way to the promotion of a collaborative approach towards the creation of new skills for the local labour market, connecting Cluj-Napoca to the European and global debate on skills development and entrepreneurship in cultural and creative industries, with an eye to the post-pandemic recovery

Investing on creating new skills at local level is one of the main priorities for the future of work. According to the new report of the World Economic Forum on the Future of Jobs, the combination of technological and human skills, such as self-management, active learning, resilience and critical thinking, will be decisive to overcome the effects of a “double-disruption” scenario, created by Covid-19 and automation, on young workers and potential entrepreneurs.

A need for a strong investment in skills by public and private organizations is highlighted also by the European Commission, which launched its Pact for Skills in November 2020 with the objective of creating a shared management model for skills development in Europe. The creation of strong skills partnerships and the anticipation of skills needs are among the key principles that public and private entities can share through the adhesion to the Pact, which engages them in upskilling and reskilling activities.

The selection of the skills on which a collaborative investment of knowledge and resources is needed, in particular at local level, is a challenge shared by many local and cross-sectorial partnerships. This topic is crucial also in Cluj-Napoca, and strongly emerged in the framework of the preparatory activities of the third edition of Culturepreneurs, one of the main layers of Cluj Future of Work officially launched in September 2020.


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