SASMob Traffic School, a guided sightseeing tour in Szeged, Greek dance teaching show – Huszár Mátyás Wharf swarmed with people on the Sunday of the green weekend

Szegedi Távfűtő Kft. (Szeged District Heating Company), Szegedi Környezetgazdálkodási Nonprofit Kft. (Szeged Environmental Management Company), Szegedi Hulladékgazdálkodási Nonprofit Kft. (Szeged Waste Management Company), Szeged Pólus – just like on Saturday, these organisations hosted the events at Huszár Mátyás Wharf on the Sunday of this weekend.
The garbage truck and street cleaning machine look-and-touch programmes continued to be popular today – but the SASMob Traffic School was at least as big a success. It was perhaps a bit more than a year ago, at the city’s children’s day programme series, that we last saw the mini traffic park, which was again extremely busy now: children used running bikes, three-wheel mini motorbikes and scooters to practice driving. Separate waste collection was another favourite: the local waste management company organised two awareness-raising games for children: “garbage fishing” and garbage collection in groups.
As a novelty, a guided bike sightseeing tour was organised: each participant was given an mp3 player with a recorded set of tour instructions and information on the sights. Adults who started the bike tour early enough got back for the most important part: after six o’clock, in the tents of the local Greek minority group, put up at the Belvedere Building side ramp of the wharf, ouzo was offered as a starter for the dance teaching show. Music was performed by Akropolis Compania, with Giannis Sokalopulos playing the bouzouki truly amazingly.
At nine o’clock, Mamma Mia 2 (“Here We Go Again”) began: the movie was played on the wharf road this time. Local radio commentator Gedzo said the movie could even be played dubbed into Swedish and with Polish subtitles – if anyone, he would watch it with that combination. If nothing else, at least to have an opportunity to discuss it in their OurMovies (“Mozizgatunk”) podcast.
The wharf swarmed with people again on this Sunday: strolling, gazing at the water, feeling the atmosphere around the Tisza River were fun. Many thought the same.