SASMob in home office: when you must hold a conference from home, having no other way due to the virus

The Szeged SASMob Project has spectacular and less spectacular parts. Opening a new bike shelter or seeing the staff of project partners travel to work by community transport are sightly. Measuring the number of people crossing the City Centre Bridge and identifying the types of vehicles used by them on an average day are also exciting.
However, the coronavirus pandemic has also rendered such encounters impossible – in the traditional way. There is no other choice – such meetings also have to be held as home office events. In the SASMob, such discussions are called PCT meetings: in each company that takes part in the project, there is a team responsible for the coordination of SASMob activities – the Project Coordination Team – whose members now keep in touch and communicate using their home computers, via an application. In the SASMob, the GoToMeeting programme is used, which features nothing “special”: participants sit down before their computers, log into the programme and talk via this platform. Discussions take place just like at a conference – but now one does not have to go to a pulpit, presentations are watched by everyone on their own screen, and not wearing a coat and skirt or a suit is fully accepted. The leaders of the work package present a brief status report, followed by comments on the information by the participating partners.
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