SALUS SPACE, partnership at work

With the New Year starting, the partnership of SALUS space intensified its meetings.

On 31 January 2018, a plenary session was held at Palazzo d'Accursio, the headquarters of the Municipality of Bologna, to collect and organize all the ideas and suggestions of partners, concerning the creation of the model of economic sustainability of Salus Space. Through the Business Model Canvas, we developed a first model of economic sustainability, structured both for the entire project and for sub-projects. The three thematic areas that refer to the three main buildings were examined: the Greenhouse Building, where the restaurant, the laboratory and the theater will be located; the Residential Building, where we will also open a small bed and breakfast; the Study Center, located in the former hyperbaric chamber, that will include a conference room, some offices and other coworking spaces.

On 27 February 2018, a second co-design meeting took place, to involve not only the project partners but also the various professionals working in many Municipal Departments, whose skills and experience are important to define the economic sustainability model of Salus Space and identify synergies and additional suggestions for the construction of the final model. The meeting was attended by experts from the following sectors: Cultural and Creative Start-up, Housing Policies, Economy Development and City Promotion, Education and New generations, Culture and Active Citizenship, Communication, Youth Policies, Urban Planning and Environment. The meeting was also attended by Peter Ramsden, the Social Innovation expert in charge by UIA Secretariat to provide us with assistance and scientific support. Several interesting proposals emerged for the future sustainability of Salus Space, which will be included in the model and then further developed when working on the Business Plan. The socio-economic sustainability model will be presented publicly at the end of May, at an event on the theme of hospitality, organized by the Municipality of Bologna in collaboration with It.a.cà Festival.

Before the event, we will organize a meeting with the citizens involved in the Evaluation and Communication groups, who actively collaborate in the project, to share with them our work and to collect their suggestions.

The last project meeting with the partners was held on March 23rd, again with the strong support of our UIA expert Peter Ramsden, to discuss and evaluate together the criteria for selecting and building the future Community of Salus Space. It will be fundamental to succeed in constituting a mixed and gender balanced Community, formed by people highly motivated to live an innovative and social experience.

We are ready to face this new challenge!


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