The content of this second edition is based on a series of interviews that took place on October 2021 with members of the PUJ consortium, among others, the Municipality of Prato, Treedom, Legambiente Toscana and gGreenApes. From these exchanges, I would notably like to highlight in the first three sections the areas that are particularly interesting at this development stage of PUJ.
Section 2 - “Background and context” providing a general framework in which the project is embedded.
Section 3 - “Partnership” providing an overview of the responsibilities and activities carried out by project partners.
Section 4 - “Updates on pilot sites” addresses the progress of the work in the directly interested three, and the additional fourth, pilot sites.
Section 5 - “Digitalization in PUJ” highlights two digital platforms: gGreenApes and Prato Forest City. The former rewards the citizen who performs virtuous and sustainable behavior. While, the latter is the governance platform that permits the management of green areas and the creation of an urban jungle.
Section 6 - “Raising awareness” focuses on environmental communication and education, and the connection in all its expression, leveraging on already active relationships among citizens.
Section 7 - “Main implementation challenges” outlines the main implementation-related challenges faced by the project in the last six months.
Section 8 - “Key learning points and next steps” launches the activities upcoming in the following months of the project.
The subsequent journal will pay further attention to the advancements of the implementation process. Enjoy this second journey into the Prato Urban Jungle world!