One big family - U-RLP Open Day on the national news!

The project, where refugees and students live and learn together, is locally known as Plan Einstein because it is situated at the Einsteindreef in Overvecht, a neighbourhood in Utrecht. On this weekend day many asylum centers in the Netherlands opened their doors for the interested public (Open AZC Dag). It was also National Neighbour Day (Burendag).
The Open Day at Plan Einstein was formally opened by Deputy Mayor Kees Diepeveen who explained the strength of living and learning together. There was a lot of interest from neighbours, national organisations, stakeholders the U-RLP partners and the press. That evening the largest national news broadcaster (NOS, Nederlandse Omroep Stichting), brought positive news items about the project and innovative integration and reception approaches. Also in their NOS Eight OÇlock News, the flagship evening news programme. You can see this item here. You can read more about the Open Day in the press here!
Picture by Bas van Setten for
Author: U-RLP team