MILMA's innovative approach towards improving integration of migrants - Journal 2

Dario guides us through the MILMA innovative approach, which focuses on the one hand on stimulating integration of migrants, by creating heterogeneous groups of individuals (mixing both locals and migrants), and on the other hand on empowering unemployed people, by connecting them with local enterprises, with the dual goal of offering a qualified sectorial training and of exposing participants to entrepreneurial challenges.
Dario also looks at the barriers that people face in regard to entrepreneurship, in terms of access to finance, lack of appropriate skills, and lack of business networks. In Dario’s words, these obstacles are often more important for people from groups that are disadvantaged and under-represented in entrepreneurship, who often face additional barriers related to attitudes, motivations and welfare systems that discriminate against entrepreneurship.
Finally, Dario looks into the challenges faced by MILMA; both the anticipated ones, but most importantly those that that could not have been predicted. Enjoy reading!