Meet our new interactive mobility monitoring platform: Link.Gent webinar for cities Thursday 14th of May

Link.Gent is a work in progress, which is launched to the public in different phases. There is still some work to be done technically, which makes sense for an ambitious and comprehensive software innovation of this caliber. In practice, this means that new features will be gradually added to the platform in the course of this year.
The people of Ghent are also not forgotten in this story. From 1 April they can also take a look at the platform and - free of charge - use the functionalities that are already offered there. It is the intention that, with the phased addition of new features, the system will also become increasingly attractive for people in Ghent.
The TMaaS team kindly invites city representatives who are interested in seeing a live demo of the platform to participate in our webinar, which will take place on Thursday 14th of May
Start: 2 pm
End: 3 pm
Register here