Let us move together in Szeged! Photo Contest

The Partnership, which has 11 members and has been assembled by the Municipal Government of Szeged, submits proposals in the framework of the URBAN Innovative Actions (UIA) EU Programme. As a result of the efforts made by the Partnership, the „Smart Alliance for Sustainable Mobility” (SASMob for short) project has been created.
The aims of the project are to work out innovative transport organisation solutions which contribute to the sustainability of transport and to improve the conditions of sustainable commuting.
Works of art were expected for the contest which depict the SASMob feeling, sustainable, green transport and Szeged.
Almost half a hundred photos were submitted for the contest which were assessed by a jury of 3 members, who selected the three winners.
Jury members: Aurél Iványi, Balázs Papdi, Máté Sütő

At the ceremonial bicycle handover, Aurél Iványi said:
“We rewarded three images taken with different techniques. The first place winner, András Ekés, followed the movement with the camera. It was a completely unique technique, foreign to me, but very spectacular and I really liked it, it was a very nice svenk. The second, Tamás Szabó, did not move the camera, but the subject moved, the movement was important to him. Third place, Ferenc András Brezanóczy took a black and white photo with a smooth fixed 50 lens, it was unparalleled in its kind. Three technologies, three different solutions, yet all three gave back the feeling of life that we wanted to see in this photo competition, what cycling means, what Szeged means. They deserve the awards, the bikes! ”
The winners won prestigious “Neuzer Folding” folding bikes.

Prize winners and their works:
Congratulations to the winners, and thanks everyone for participating!