Kick-off Sessions for Aveiro Tech City Challenges

The kick-off session for the Aveiro 5G Challenges, originally planned for 12th of June, was rescheduled for the 16th of June, with a 7-minute pitch from the 10 finalists to present their solution, objectives and expectations from the Aveiro 5G Living Lab and technical requirements, followed by a 3-minute of Q&A.
Aveiro 5G Challenges training programme includes training and mentoring sessions provided by Beta-I, experts in training development and contents specifically dedicated to startups and scaleups, and first-hand access to the brand-new Aveiro 5G tested, supported by our partners Altice Labs and Ericsson. From now on candidates can start to explore the Aveiro 5G Living Lab for local piloting and testing.
During this period, the first 5G equipment was delivered to one of the Aveiro 5G Challenges teams. The 5G equipment will allow the use of the experimental 5G network-based communications, from Altice Labs, in Aveiro. In this specific use case, Blankit can now take advantage of improved latency, and high throughput performance, using the network-based to transmit cardiac biometrics data from Holter sensors to a remote telemedicine unit, demonstrating reactivity to show real time event notification.
Aveiro Urban Challenges kick-off session took place on the 30th of June, in Aveiro and also contemplated a 5-minute pitch from the 5 winners to present the solution, objectives and expectations from the organisation, mentors and technical requirements. Additionally, each team was invited to a one-to-one follow-up meeting with mentors and City of Aveiro team on the same day, immediately after the Kick-Off Session.
Aveiro Urban Challenges training programme includes training sessions provided by Beta-I and up to 30 hours of mentoring and technical support from our partners and challenges stakeholders: AdRA, Galp Gás Natural Distribuição, EDP Distribuição, Veolia and Transdev.
Due to several constraints triggered by Covid-19 pandemic, especially on travel bans, companies lay-off and employees furloughs, some of the participants are experiencing serious difficulties to attend all the training and mentoring local sessions in Aveiro. To overcome that situation the City of Aveiro have prepared and designed the training sessions to be conducted primarily on site and secondly remotely, and in that way, offering the possibility to participants to comply with programme’s attendance and mitigate these unforeseen circumstances. In this way both programmes are designed and prepared to be conducted remotely in case that the required health and safety conditions could not be assured in the future.
Nevertheless, all the participants were encouraged to take the most of this event and opportunity, to exchange know-hows with the other finalists, trainers and mentors, but also, to invest their presence in Aveiro and get to know what the city has to offer, in terms of economic ecosystem, cultural and natural beauty.