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Thermal energy systems of the future - hot trends and cool solutions for cities
Even though there are clear ambitions for cities to become carbon neutral as soon as possible, the path to decarbonisation is not a clear and straight...FED - Fossil Free Energy Districts (Closed)
Energy Transition
Gothenburg - Sweden

Unique testbed helps Gothenburg become an international innovation player
Through its innovation program, the City of Gothenburg works systematically to increase the innovation capacity within its administration. Fossil-free...FED - Fossil Free Energy Districts (Closed)
Energy Transition
Gothenburg - Sweden

Testbed creates ripple effect for energy research at Chalmers University of Technology
For researchers, having access to a real arena where they can put their theories to test is invaluable. David Steen from the Chalmers University of Te...FED - Fossil Free Energy Districts (Closed)
Energy Transition
Gothenburg - Sweden