DARE Ravenna Zoom-in #3 - Co-designing a future vision: The selection of a tactic for Ravenna's Darsena

Presentation of tactics for the Darsena
Presentation of tactics for the Darsena


DARE is an urban regeneration project that builds on the knowledge and skills of Ravenna's active citizens. Instead of focusing uniquely on the physical environment, DARE has invested in the imagination and skills of its inhabitants and the  knowledge infrastructure of the area. In the course of the project’s three years, the Ravenna Municipality has been cooperating with the Darsena’s residents, businesses, initiatives and institutions to create a shared vision for the area, helping citizens develop new skills, improve their quality of life and become protagonists of their neighbourhood. For this second episode of the DARE podcast, UIA expert Levente Polyák visited the RADAR Real Estate Forum and the presentation of the selected tactics for the Darsena as part of a broader process to define projects and the future vision for the area. 

Associated media

DARE Ravenna Zoom-in #3 - Co-designing a future vision: The selection of a tactic for Ravenna's Darsena
Levente Polyak

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DARE - Digital Environment for collaborative Alliances to Regenerate urban Ecosystems in middle-sized cities

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Ravenna - Italy

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DARE - Digital Environment for collaborative Alliances to Regenerate urban Ecosystems in middle-sized cities

Digital transition

Ravenna - Italy