Modifier 04 January 2022
by Vanessa Holve - UIA Expert

The COMMUTE project (Collaborative Mobility Management for Urban Traffic and Emissions reduction) Journal 6 Project led by the city of Toulouse

The COMMUTE project (Collaborative Mobility Management for Urban Traffic and Emissions reduction) - Journal 6
The COMMUTE project (Collaborative Mobility Management for Urban Traffic and Emissions reduction) - Journal 6
The sixth and last Journal of the COMMUTE project (Collaborative Mobility Management for Urban Traffic and Emissions Reduction) presents the final developments and the legacy of the project, following its closure on 31 January 2021.

COMMUTE’s actions have been fully implemented and evaluated, following three years of fruitful public-private cooperation. This edition focuses on the final evaluation of the project, the COMMUTE reference framework (“Référentiel COMMUTE”), and the legacy of the project, including the digital platform, the KAROS app, the actions around cycling, and follow up projects such as ECOMODE and VILAGIL. Journal 6 also provides the latest update on the final challenges that the project encountered over the past months.

The main innovation of the COMMUTE project has been the implementation of a collaborative public and private governance of mobility at the airport and aeronautical zone of Toulouse associating the public operators of mobility with the big companies of the zone, to reduce the impact of individual car use for home-work trips.

The COMMUTE collaborative governance approach has been both a real challenge and a real success. It has changed the way projects are approached in Toulouse by encouraging a much more collaborative and transversal management. The COMMUTE project has also encouraged the creation of a dedicated cross-cutting team in Toulouse metropole, led by a project manager with the support of different experts in charge of various aspects: digital, environment, works, innovation, mobility.

This Journal marks the conclusion of an inspiring project that brought together a group of passionate public and private actors, with Toulouse Metropole as experienced and inspiring lead. COMMUTE’s rich legacy highlights the success of the project, that will further inspire cities in France and beyond.


Project summary

Toulouse Métropole was the lead of COMMUTE, which was awarded within the framework of the “Urban Innovative Actions” (UIA) programme of the European Commission and, as such, received a European grant of 80% of the total cost (5.2M € including 4.1M € European grant) for a period of 3 years (end of 2017 to end of January 2021).

Eight public and private partners worked together with Toulouse Métropole: Tisséo Collectivités, Airbus, Toulouse-Blagnac Airport, ATR, SAFRAN, Réussir Business Club, Sopra Steria and Afnor over the course of 3 years.

The COMMUTE experiment was carried out in the Toulouse airport aeronautical zone. COMMUTE's ambition has been to transform the demand for mobility and to implement a common action making it possible to act in defined and shared sectors and to effectively deploy shared levers.  This was necessary given the attractiveness of the area, that generates traffic in the Toulouse metropolitan area: + 15,000 new arrivals per year / + 500,000 trips per day projected for 2025 / the car, the main mode of travel in the airport / aeronautical area (83% by car, including 71% individual car users – “autosolistes”).