Co-City, first Pacts of Collaboration signed in Turin

The Pacts, signed by the Managers of the City and the representatives of the local NGOs involved in the implementation of the projects, are the concrete results of a co-design process carried out by the Network of Neighbourhood Houses (Case del Quartiere) and the City’s offices in the latest months. More Pacts of Collaboration are going to be signed in the coming weeks, opening the path to the implementation of innovative measures and actions co-designed with residents and associations in different suburbs of Turin.
In the Intercultural Centre of the City of Turin for three years a network of local NGOs (such as Actionaid, Associazione Janela, Mais, Re.Te. Ong, Vie d’Incontro Scs Onlus) will collaborate with the City in the management of a structure used as cultural and social hub by the families of this multicultural neighbourhood.
Thanks to the Pact of Collaboration, the activities of social integration will be improved and more cultural events will be organized, with the aim of fostering the active involvement of different categories of residents. Part of the structure located in Corso Taranto will be used by the NGOs committed to implement the Pact, while the City Hall will provide support for the organization of activities and the promotion among the residents.
Falklab alla seconda is a Pact proposed by a group of NGOs and residents with the aim of regenerating a structure called Falklab, formerly used as school canteen, located in the heart of Falchera, just a few kilometers away from the Intercultural Centre. Falklab was conceived more than a decade ago as informal youth centre of this deprived neighbourhood. Thanks to Co-City the activities of Falklab will be improved, with a specific focus on youth and families, with the aim of reviving the community spirit in the area and reduce social exclusion and poverty. The promotion of a dialogue among people of different age and cultures will be carried out with concrete activities such as the organization of painting and ceramics labs, reading clubs, trainings for graffiti artists or activities of counseling to prevent and contrast school evasion.
“These agreements have a public interest for the city because they express a strong commitment to implement projects for the development of communities in deprived neighborhoods, adding a considerable value to the resources invested for the promotion of active citizenship in Turin” comments the deputy mayor in charge of youth, equalities and multicultural policies, Marco Giusta.