Cluj Future of Work Journal 2: get an update about Cluj Napoca project

Among these, the kick-off activities of the Culturepreneurs training programme, the process of purchase and installation of the equipment at the three Labs of the Hub for cultural and creative industries hosted by CREIC, and the implementation of the actions emerged by the participatory budgeting process that involved the Roma community of Pata Rât.
The second Journal of Cluj Future of Work analyses the progress of the activities of the UIA project of Cluj-Napoca from January to December 2020. Last year was particularly challenging for Cluj-Napoca, due to the evolution of the Covid-19 emergency, which forced to reshape most of the activities previously planned. However, the pandemic made clear how much future of work is closer than expected to us and how rapid global changes can have an impact on the way we work, as well as on future employment perspectives at national and local level. The feeling of a stronger urgency of the challenges highlighted by the project was shared by all the project partners, and that aspect contributed to foster the group spirit and the mutual collaboration for the success of Cluj Future of Work.
The content of this second Journal is based on the interviews carried out online with all the project partners, and on regular online meetings with the co-management team of the project.
The section 2 of the Journal presents an update of the most important activities carried out in 2020 in the framework of the project. In particular, it focuses on the kick-off activities of the Culturepreneurs training programme, on the process of purchase and installation of the equipment at the three Labs of the Hub for cultural and creative industries hosted by CREIC, and on the implementation of the actions emerged by the participatory budgeting process that involved the Roma community of Pata Rât.
The section 3 of the Journal highlights the implementation challenges, with particular reference on aspects which became particularly important also due to the consequences of the Covid-19 emergency, such as the financial sustainability, the process of public procurement and the monitoring and evaluation of the impact of the actions at urban level.
The section 4 of the Journal provides a taste of the activities that are going to happen in 2021, and the lessons learned by all the partners involved in the implementation of Cluj Future of Work.
Despite the terrible effects that the pandemic had on Romanian economy and on the everyday life of its most important cities, such as Cluj-Napoca which strongly suffered the consequences of lockdown on the vibrancy of its cultural and economic life, the tenacity showed by Cluj Future of Work in successfully continuing its activities (even if partly online, such as the trainings of the Culturepreneurs programme) was seen as a ray of light and a sign of hope, testifying that the economic and social recovery is possible if the scheme of collaboration proposed by the project and its partners is replicated in different fields of urban life.
The Culturepreneurs programme
The Labs at CREIC
The participatory budgeting process in Pata Rât
All the implementation challenges were addressed by Cluj Future of Work in 2020, with different levels of relevance and intensity.