CitiCAP application data to be used for corona research

The material collected from the CitiCAP application makes it possible for the research to go deeper into the changes in mobility and the development of mobility emissions in Lahti. The data gathered from the application helps to illustrate how mobility has quantitatively changed and how different means of transport have changed during the corona spring and after.
In addition to the research on the citizens' personal emission trading, the application offers a vantage point to a study related to corona. The impact of corona on mobility can be seen in the mobility emissions and in their development. The data gathered from the application is examined by the Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology. The research phase will last until the end of this year.
During corona times, the mobility of the Lahti people has clearly changed
Corona has visibly affected mobility. This can also be seen in the mobility of the CitiCAP application's users. The collected data shows that mobility decreased around 50 % during the corona spring.
The start of summer holidays and the dismantlement of the restrictions increased mobility, and mobility is even higher than compared to the spring before the exceptional circumstances started, says Junior Researcher Elisa Uusitalo from the Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology.
The use of public transportation, like buses and trains, has clearly decreased during corona times. At the same time, the share of cars has increased.
Mobility has increased, but the share of using public transportation is still relatively low. The share of cars in mobility was around 70 % during the corona spring, when before the restrictions it was around 55 %.