Aveiro promotes remote education resources

During the quarantine the City of Aveiro worked to support remote education resources, keep attendees learning at home and giving them other free and online training opportunities like CodeHero.
CodeHero is an Introduction to Computer Science free online learning course, allowing the development of software using JavaScript language, ideal for those who want to immerge in the coding world. Through this course the trainees will develop logical and computational thinking that can be used in everyday academic and professional life. The program is appropriate for all beginning coders as it uses visual representations to teach foundational mathematical and computational ideas, providing them programming fundamentals and solid bases such as values, variables, cycles, conditions, functions, strings, arrays and objects, which will be essential to learn more deeply any other programming language. The program is appropriate for beginners and experienced participants and its contents in English as it is the universal code language.
Training is free of charge and there is no limit of participants. Each submitted application will be validated by the organization.
CodeHero was initially triggered to high school students and residents in Aveiro Municipality aged 18 or older, however, given the initial enthusiasm shown by other candidates the City of Aveiro decided to open the course to candidates based outside the municipality.
CodeHero comprises 52 exercises, combining different number of points, with a global score of 1645 points. Participants will achieve the maximum score if the 52 exercises are successfully completed, and they will be able to visualize the cumulative number of points while progress to the next exercise. Training period is approximately 1 month, nevertheless, its conclusion depends on time invested by each student. There is a reward system for the participants that accomplished maximum score in record time, there is a prize of 200,00€ for the 1st place and an honorable mention of 100,00€.
Despite the decision to open this training program to all participants interested in this field, CodeHero prizes are only addressed to all high school students and professional school’s students from the municipality of Aveiro and other citizens, aged 18 or older, based in Aveiro.
Since 18th of May CodeHero have more than 80 participants registered and some of them have already finish the programme achieving the maximum score.
After successfully completing the CodeHero training, all graduates will have acquired sufficient knowledge to apply for the 3rd Edition of Aveiro Tech City Bootcamp.
CodeHero will be available until 31st July 2020.
For more information, please consult https://www.aveirotechcity.pt/en/Activities/codehero