Fonds européen de développement régional
Find inspiration and innovative solutions for your city
On 25.10.2023, the newly refurbished house in Mexikói út 11/B in Budapest's district Zugló was handed over to its 40 new residents within the framewor...
The mentoring programme for social housing tenants E-Co-Housing is about refurbishing an old building into an environmental-friendly, smart and inn...
How can a global sanitary crisis affect a single construction project in Budapest? A taste of the housing crisis in 2021 in Budapest: “The renta...
Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) and URBACT are joining forces to push the right to housing...
UIA Expert Annette Kuhk “elaborates on the ambitions of the E-Co-Housing project, with a zoom-in on the specific location (Gizella út), the programme ...
This final journal looks back at the successes and failures of the Home Silk Road project and shares some lessons for other Urban Authorities. ...
Home Silk Road's implementation officially ended in October 2002. However, the project did not suddenly stop. Ending the temporary occupation has been...
At the end of October 2O22, the Home Silk Road project officially came to an end. Six months later, this article looks back at the project’s achieveme...
An interview with Harout Mekhsian, Director, CCO Villeurbanne. ...
An interview with Mathieu Fortin, Social and Solidarity Economy & Entrepreneurship Officer at the City of Villeurbanne. ...
This Zoom-In digs into the inclusion dimension of the Home Silk Road by exploring the current situation of the homeless families who are being accommo...
This article shows how the Home Silk Road project is part of a bigger strategy to use temporary urban planning and architecture to provide solutions t...
Article on the opening of BaklAAVA restaurant/caterers on the Home Silk Road site...
A look back at the impact of COVID19 on Home Silk Road ...
Point de CHU...T is a rap and slam project developed at the initiative of young people living in emergency shelter on the site of the Home Silk Road U...
This journal describes implementation challenges in the second phase of the Home Silk Road project. This project is testing an innovative housing solu...
This Zoom-In takes a close look at how the Home Silk Road UIA Project fits into the broader Housing First strategy of the Metropole of Lyon. Housing F...
UIA Expert Ruth Owen presents Lyon’s initial challenges, the most relevant of which is “the participative approach for co-implementation. Using cultu...
The BRICK-BEACH project is in a delicate situation due to problems related to the delay in obtaining the pertinent administrative authorizations and t...
Construction and demolition waste is always seen as one of the main barriers for implementing a circular economy. Instead, in Velez-Malaga they saw it...
In this 5th Journal, Miguel Lucena will guide you through the most relevant news of the last 6 months for BRICK-BEACH project. With the approval of th...
In this fourth Journal of BRICK-BEACH project, UIA Expert Miguel Lucena reports on the advancement of the project till March 2020. With the project at...
The first Zoom-in published in January 2019, was intended to give an overview of the BRICK-BEACH project and collect the opinion of the partners invol...
In the third Journal of BRICK-BEACH, UIA Expert Miguel Lucena shows how the project is currently overcoming some of the challenges related to its infr...
UIA Expert, Miguel Lucena, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented ...
This second Journal of BRICK-BEACH reports on the advancement of the project till March 2019 and focuses on the activities realised in different areas...
“The workshop noises have disappeared, overalls too, replaced by white collars and screens and click workers”. Pierre Veltz, French territorial econo...
In this third journal, we will present a questioning about the replication and upscaling of the Earth Cycle model in the Parisian Region by placing it...
One of the key players of the project Earth Cycle is the urban developer as he is an end user and promotor of new technologies. ...
UIA Expert Youssef Diab presents “the major recent evolution of the project, regarding the new implementation site and the business model (partnership...
Policy context, objectives, current questions and future perspective of Sevran’s project....
One of the components within the Urban Soil 4 Food (US4F) project in Maribor has been the support to innovative products in the field of circular econ...
The Urban Soil 4 Food (US4F) project reached its end, and this last Journal aims at reconstructing its journey and the impacts it has reached. The Cit...
UIA Expert Daniela Patti reports on the period between February and November 2020 during which “all sorts of contests were carried out for the product...
UIA Expert Daniela Patti explores Maribor’s experience with “what has happened to the urban gardens, mainly focusing on the possibilities of the futur...
UIA Expert Daniela Patti provides details how Maribor “wants to improve the local food distribution chain through the development of an online platfor...
UIA Expert Daniela Patti reports that “Urban Soil 4 Food has entered the operational phase! Just like the preparation of the soil for the planting, ju...
UIA Expert Daniela Patti “explores the importance of soil and how the project is creating new one through urban organic and construction waste (excava...
Get to know what Maribor is doing in the first UIA Expert journal!...
Maribor is ready to open up for the next stage of the project! ...
The article summarizes the project implementation and comments the most important problems that occurred during the project. Despite the difficulties,...
The fifth edition of the Journal describes and analyses the progress of the Urban Infra Revolution (UIR) project in the last six months, from March 20...
3D modelling makes it easier for citizens to understand and comment on planned developments in the Urban Infra Revolution project. The use of modern A...
In this fourth edition of the Journal, UIA Expert Kinga Korniejenko describes and analyses the progress of the Urban infra revolution project from Oct...
The second zoom-in of Urban Infra Revolution, UIA Expert Kinga Korniejenko focus on exploring the technology of 3D printing geopolymer composites and ...
The third Journal of Urban Infra Revolutions describes and analyses the progress of the project in the last six months, from March 2019 to end of Sept...
The development of a new kind of circulative geopolymer composite material based on side streams of local industries is strongly promoted by the Urban...
UIA Expert, Kinga Korniejenko, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented....
In the second edition of the Urban infra revolution Journal, UIA Expert Kinga Korniejenko provides an overview of the development of the project by fo...
Making the construction sector circular is one of the main challenge for the implementation of a full circular economy. The Urban Infra Revolutions pr...
Super Circular Estate (SCE) Project illustrated potential of reactivation of resources within existing built environments and helped us understand bet...
UIA Expert Elma Durmisevic interviews Michiel Ritzen from ZUYD University on the monitoring process of the Super Circular Estate project and its resul...
UIA Expert Elma Durmisevic explains how the “three new houses have been constructed by reusing more than 90% of materials from the existing building a...
UIA Expert Elma Durmisevic tells us how “the SCE consortium is already finalising the construction phase of the three new houses made of reused materi...
One of the lessons learned from Kerkrade’s project “regarding future buildings, is that reuse potential of building products need to be embodied into ...
The UIA Expert unveils Kerkrade’s initial achievements in the first journal....
UIA Expert Elma Durmisevic zooms into the differences between circular and conventional building process through interviews with the key members of th...
Take a look at the latest developments around Kerkrade’s project. ...
This last journal of the UIA Antwerp Circular South project accounts for the evolution of the project after UIA funding was stopped. It details the di...
This Zoom-In presents the different features of the solar energy system in Antwerp Circular South as well as the challenges it has faced due to the cu...
“The Antwerp Circular South project is entering its final stage in strange times. As the rest of society, it has been affected by the current Covid-19...
UIA Expert Marcelline Bonneau reveals that “some specific aspects are becoming more prominent now: showing the added value to both residents and owner...
UIA Expert Marcelline Bonneau reveals how “the Circular South Project started with their “nudging experiments” to test innovative ways of supporting c...
In her latest Journal, UIA Expert Marcelline Bonneau reports that “almost everything is ready, and the experimentation can start. It is finally becomi...
Read the opinion of Marcelline Bonneau, UIA expert for the Antwerp Circular South project, on supporting sustainable consumption practices....
UIA Expert Marcelline Bonneau presents the first steps of CIRCUIT – the Circular South Community Centre. As she explains, “the Antwerp Circular South ...
UIA Expert, Marcelline Bonneau, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented ...
Antwerp Circular South has begun unfolding. ...
Following the triple bottom line (TBL), the SPIRE project initially tackles the challenges urban ecosystems suffer at the nexus of the economy-society...
How do culture and creativity influence innovation in our cities? What is the role of technical and economic knowledge? Building a culture of innovati...
Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) are infrastructures to capture, store, manage, analyse, chart, and visualize information, data, and indicators of...
This is the second journal of the Smart Post-Industrial Regenerative Ecosystem (SPIRE) project since its creation on 1st September 2019. The impact of...
If we consider money as a social technology, we could agree that it should never be "neutral". Now as the world is immersed in this global pandemic an...
The ecological transformation and recovery of five contaminated areas in Baia Mare, along with the significant environmental behavioural shift from ci...
The impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic and the severe climate trends has shown how visionary the SPIRE project is, reclaiming and enhancing Baia ...
One of the essentials of the SPIRE project that appealed all the parties involved from the beginning, as well as the newcomers, is “the magical” abili...
This is the first journal of the Smart Post-Industrial Regenerative Ecosystem (SPIRE) since its start on 01/09/2019. SPIRE, led by the Municipality of...
This article is the first to review Baia Mare and the SPIRE project (Smart Post-Industrial Regenerative Ecosystem), financed under the 4th call of the...
Pollution is one of the most significant environmental challenges worldwide; according to the European Environmental Agency, the management of pollute...
The Sevilla CartujaQanat program is by design, an ambitious and particularly relevant program for regions facing extreme heat phenomena and for urban ...
This zoom-in article focuses on the New Governance and Social Innovation component of the project Cartuja-Qanat in Sevilla, which aims to propose an i...
Sevilla in Spain, will be the battleground of Europe for extreme urban heat. A pilot space containing an amphitheatre, an underground gallery and open...
While images of empty cities made the world-tour and provoked understandable owe, empty and limited public space is in fact an imminent if not ever-pr...
The Metropolitan Water Supply and Sanitation Company of Sevilla (EMASESA) is the coordinating Partner in the Urban Innovative Actions Program ‘Cartuja...
In this Journal, UIA Experts Kostantina Karidi explores the achievements of the first year of the Sevilla CartujaQanat project across eight selected g...
Circular Economy is at the centre of many UIA projects. At the moment, UIA funds eight projects within the topic of Circular Economy under Call 2. Out...
Do you want to know the specifics of a successful project like SPIRE in Baia Mare? Have a look at the What, Why, Who and How of SPIRE....
The Plantathlons activities carried out in baia Mare during spring 2021 created a collaborative ecosystem supporting citizens-led actions and enhancin...
Budapest_E-Co Housing_Journal 1 (May 2020)
Lyon_Home Silk Road_Journal 1 (Jan 2020)
Velez-Malaga_BRICK-BEACH_Journal 4 (March 2020)
Velez-Malaga_BRICK-BEACH_Journal 3 (Octb 2019)
Velez-Malaga_BRICK-BEACH_UIAExpertJournal2 (March 2019)
Velez-Malaga_BRICK-BEACH_UIAExpertJournal1 (Nvb 2018)
BRICK-BEACH Project Journal 5
Sevran_Earth Cycle_Journal 2 (May 2020)
Sevran_Earth Cycle_UIAExpert Journal 1 (March 2019)
Maribor_UrbanSoil4Food_Journal 4 (March 2020)
Maribor_Urban Soil4Food_How to set pu a short foodchain distribution platform?
Maribor_UrbanSoil4Food_Journal 3 (Octb 2019)
Maribor_UrbanSoil4Food_Zoom-in 1 (Dcb 2019)
Maribor_Urban Soil 4 Food_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2019)
Maribor_Urban Soil 4 Food_UIAExpertJournal1 (Nvb 2018)
Urban Soil 4 Food @Maribor - Journal 5
Lappeenranta-UrbanInfraRevolution_Journal 3 (Octb 2019)
Lappeenranta_UrbanInfraRevolution_Zoom in 1
Lappeenranta_UrbanInfraRevolution_UIAExpertJournal2 (March 2019)
Lappeenranta_UrbanInfraRevolution_UIAExpertJournal1 (Octb 2018)
Kerkrade_SuperCircularEstate_UIAExpert Journal (Nvb 2019)
Kerkrade_Super Circular Estate_UIAExpertJournal 2 (May2019)
Kerkrade_Super Circular Estate_UIAExpertJournal 1 (Nvb 2018)
Kerkrade Super Circular Estate Journal 4
Antwerp_Antwerp Circular South_Journal 3
Antwerp_Antwerp Circular South_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2019)
Antwerp_Antwerp Circular South_UIAExpertJournal1 (Nvb 2018)
Antwerp Circular South_Zoom-in 1_March 2018
Circular South @Antwerp Journal 5