Fonds européen de développement régional
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Following the triple bottom line (TBL), the SPIRE project initially tackles the challenges urban ecosystems suffer at the nexus of the economy-society...
How do culture and creativity influence innovation in our cities? What is the role of technical and economic knowledge? Building a culture of innovati...
Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) are infrastructures to capture, store, manage, analyse, chart, and visualize information, data, and indicators of...
This is the second journal of the Smart Post-Industrial Regenerative Ecosystem (SPIRE) project since its creation on 1st September 2019. The impact of...
If we consider money as a social technology, we could agree that it should never be "neutral". Now as the world is immersed in this global pandemic an...
The ecological transformation and recovery of five contaminated areas in Baia Mare, along with the significant environmental behavioural shift from ci...
The impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic and the severe climate trends has shown how visionary the SPIRE project is, reclaiming and enhancing Baia ...
One of the essentials of the SPIRE project that appealed all the parties involved from the beginning, as well as the newcomers, is “the magical” abili...
This is the first journal of the Smart Post-Industrial Regenerative Ecosystem (SPIRE) since its start on 01/09/2019. SPIRE, led by the Municipality of...
This article is the first to review Baia Mare and the SPIRE project (Smart Post-Industrial Regenerative Ecosystem), financed under the 4th call of the...
Pollution is one of the most significant environmental challenges worldwide; according to the European Environmental Agency, the management of pollute...
UIA expert Simone d'Antonio provides the final updates on the activities carried out in the framework of Cluj Future of Work, such as the final event ...
The final event of Cluj Future of Work was a great opportunity for connecting the local audience to the topics of the UIA project...
The third Zoom In of Cluj Future of Work is on the stories of the finalists of the CULTUREPRENEURS programme, the acceleration initiative at the core ...
The results of the capitalization visit carried out by the team of Cluj Future of Work and the UIA expert to reflect on the future of work in cultural...
The cross-fertilization action carried out by three UIA projects shares interesting elements contributing to the European debate on the skills needed ...
UIA Expert Simone d'Antonio provides updates on the most interesting activities carried out in the framework of Cluj Future of Work. Among these, the...
The kick-off of the entrepreneurial educational programme of Cluj Future of Work paves the way to the promotion of a collaborative approach towards th...
The partners of Cluj Future of Work and the participants to the Culturepreneurs programme are testing new ways for producing and distributing culture,...
In a city as, Cluj-Napoca, which had the highest economic growth rate in Romania in the last decade, the alliance between public authorities, private ...
The elaboration of future scenarios may be decisive for reimagining the future of work: Cluj-Napoca is using a wide range of methodologies to imagine ...
Local community can be part of the collaborative effort of reflection on the future of work: Cluj-Napoca is involving experts, academics, stakeholders...
Do you want to know the specifics of a successful project like SPIRE in Baia Mare? Have a look at the What, Why, Who and How of SPIRE....
The Plantathlons activities carried out in baia Mare during spring 2021 created a collaborative ecosystem supporting citizens-led actions and enhancin...
The second Zoom In of Cluj Future of Work is on CREIC, the Regional Center of Excellence for Creative Industries that is hosting the Labs of Cluj Futu...
The first Zoom In of Cluj Future of Work is on Pata-Rât, a Roma settlement located near the city landfill which is one of the main focus of the Urban ...
Cluj Future of Work project Journal1