Fonds européen de développement régional
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In her 6th and concluding journal of LINC, UIA expert Dr. Anna Pernestål describes the final results and takeaways from the project, which include the...
A dialogue with the test design coordinator in the LINC project by Anna Pernestål, UIA Expert for the TUPPAC-LINC project 5first zoom in)...
The six months long test with self-driving shuttles at DTU Campus has just ended, and in journal 5 we summarize the first learnings from these tests....
Shared mobility services that utilize novel technology such as digitalization and automated driving can contribute to sustainable traveling, decreased...
In Journal 4 we analyze the progress towards getting the self-driving buses ready to run in the LINC project. In particular, we explore challenges enc...
In her zoom-in, Linc UIA Expert Anna Pernestal, develops an infographic that compares the current autonomous vehicle approval framework between Denmar...
In her 2nd journal of TUPPAC, UIA expert Anna Pernestal gives us a taste of how the project has progressed in the last months, focusing on the operati...
UIA Expert, Dr. Anna Pernestål, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented ...
In her 3rd journal, UIA expert Anna Pernestal guides us through the progress of the LINC-TUPPAC project during the last six months, focusing on the pr...
Albertslund_TUPPAC_UIAExpertJournal1 (Nvb 2018)
Albertslund_TUPPAC-LINC_Zoom in 1
Albertslund_TUPPAC_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2019)
Albertslund_TUPPACLINC_Journal3 (Jan 2020)