The Conseil Regional Hauts-de-France (Entrusted Entity for the implementation of the UIA Initiative), issued in October 2018 a Call for Applications for the constitution of a Panel of External Experts for the Strategic assessment of project proposals submitted in the framework of the fourth UIA Call for Proposals.
The present Call for Applications is open for the recruitment of a Panel of External Experts. The panel will be composed of four Topic Coordinators (one for each topic) and around 15 assessors (5 for each topic, depending on the number of project proposals received for each topic) on the four main topics identified for the fourth Call for Proposals:
The Strategic assessment is a key step of the selection process of the UIA projects. It accounts for 80% of the weighting given to the overall project assessment and consists the following criteria:
- Innovativeness (40% of weighting) – To what extent is the applicant able to demonstrate that the project proposal is new and that has a clear potential to add value
- Partnership (15% of weighting) – To what extent is the involvement of key Stakeholders relevant for the implementation of the project
- Measurability (15% of weighting) – To what extent will the project deliver measurable results
- Transferability (10% of weighting) - To what extent will the project be transferable to other urban areas across Europe
UIA is looking for experts with in depth knowledge of the topic (and sub-topics) addressed by the fourth Call for Proposals (listed above) as well as proven track record of assessment of innovative urban projects.
Interested candidates are invited to read carefully the Terms of Reference of the Call for Applicants as well as the Terms of Reference of the 4th Call for Proposals and the updated version of the UIA Guidance.
Candidates shall submit within the deadline the Application Form filled in (template available on this page) as well as a detailed CV at
The deadline for the submission of the requested documents is 07 December 2018.
All applications received will be assessed by an external consultancy that will provide the Permanent Secretariat with an initial shortlist.
Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed (via teleconference) in the last week of March.
The Strategic assessment will be performed by selected experts of the Panel between March and April 2019. The total allocation of days for selected experts will be around 20 working days.
For additional questions, please contact