07 oct 2019
10 oct 2019

UIA workshops at the European Week of Regions and Cities 2019

UIA at the EUWRC 2019
The European Week of Regions and Cities is the annual event organised by Committee of the Regions and DG Regional and Urban Policy for cities and regions. It will take place in Brussels from 07 to 10 October 2019. UIA will host two workshops and registrations are now open on the EUWRC website.

During this annual four-day event, cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance. More than 6000 participants from 70 different countries gather each year.
The UIA will host/co-organise two workshops within the framework of the Urban Development Network:

08 October from 09:15 until 10:45 - UDN - Discover the new topics of the last UIA Call for the 2014-2020 period: This workshop is organised jointly by the Urban Innovative Actions Initiative and the European Commission, DG REGIO, and part of the UDN cluster of events at the EUWRC. The objective of this workshop is to introduce in an innovative and interactive way the four topics selected for the UIA 5th Call for Proposals: air quality, circular economy, cultural heritage and demographic change. The fifth Call for Proposals of the UIA Initiative will be launched in September. It will be the last UIA Call in the current programming period, and the EUWRC will be the occasion to announce and present it.


09 October from 14:30 until 16:00 - UDN - Innovation and circular economy – Bold approaches from UIA: This session is part of a group of sessions organised within the framework of the Urban Development Network (UDN). Circular Economy is one of the four topics selected for the 5th and last UIA Call for Proposals in the current programming period, to be launched in September 2019. Eight projects were already approved under this topic during the 2nd UIA call for proposals. In this dedicated workshop, representative from four of these projects (Super Circular Estate in Kerkrade, Urban Infra Revolution in Lappeenranta, BRICK-BEACH in Velez-Malaga and Earth Cycle in Sevran) will share experiences and bold solutions of how they contributed to achieve a more circular economy in their city. The workshop will be part of the UDN (Urban Development Network) cluster of events organised at the EWRC and regrouped (same building/spaces) with other labelled workshops


Visit the official EUWRC website to register!

