09 fév 2017

UDN event on the UIA 2nd call for Proposals

UDN event
The Urban Development Network (UDN), managed by the European Commission, and the UIA Permanent Secretariat are joining forces to support urban authorities interested in the 2nd UIA Call for Proposals in preparing their project proposals.

Together with the Polish authorities and the contribution of members of the UIA Permanent Secretariat, the DG Regional and Urban Policy of the European Commission is organizing, in the framework of the UDN activities, a seminar focusing on the Urban Innovative Actions Initiative and more especially on the 2nd Call for Proposals.

The seminar will take place in Warsaw on the 9th of February 2017.

There will be general sessions about the UIA and tailor-made support. The method used for the tailor-made support is a speed date approach allowing cities to have a 1 to 1 discussion with experts on their idea. If you have an interest to have a 1 to 1 conversation with an expert please register for this event as soon as possible (only a limited number of seats will be available for the 1 to 1 discussion).

The registration includes a section linked to the speed-dating possibility where you will have to fill in information about your project idea.

Click here to check the draft agenda for the event and to access the link for the registration form.

If you have questions, please contact the European Commission through REGIO-UDN@ec.europa.eu.
