07 avr 2022

Designing sustainable urban projects: learnings from the Integrated approach in UIA projects

IA event picture
What can we learn from cities embedding key principles of Integrated Territorial Development in UIA projects?

Watch again the event here:

The presentation is available here.

Sustainable urban development calls for a shift in how we approach urban and regional planning. Integrated territorial development proposes relevant alternative solutions. UIA is conducting a study together with AEIDL and Eutropian to investigate how cities integrate the key principles of Integrated Territorial Development in UIA projects.

On April 7th, 2022 from 10h00 – 12h00 CET UIA organised an online workshop, open only to UIA and URBACT cities. During this workshop we will explore emerging good practises from UIA projects related to multi-actor, multi-sectoral and place-based approaches. We also looked at how these principles are integrated in the project’s development logic, from the start of the co-design phase to the upscaling and sustainability phases.

The event was dedicated to cities’ staff and officials of municipalities and is part of this knowledge activity on good practices on Integrated Territorial Development in UIA projects.

What's on the programme?

Following a comprehensive review of UIA projects, 12 good practices were selected to participate in hearings that took place early 2022 involving project partnerships, city officials and local stakeholders. Our online workshop shared a selection of good practices and the first findings of the analysis.






Understanding the focus of the ongoing study on good practices for Integrated development  in Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) projects

10:15- 10:40

Learning and sharing:

Exploring emerging good practices connected to the principle of place-based approaches for integrated territorial development.

Followed by an interactive discussion with participants on place-based approaches


Learning and sharing:

Exploring emerging good practices connected to the principle of multi-level governance and participatory approaches for integrated territorial development

Followed by an interactive discussion with participants on multi-governance and participatory approaches


Learning and sharing:

Exploring emerging good practices connected to the principle of cross-sectoral approaches for integrated territorial development.

Followed by an interactive discussion with participants on cross-sectoral approaches


Shaping case studies:

Identifying together with participants which elements would be most useful for cities to be further investigated


Next steps and conclusions


The event will be organised in cooperation with AIEDL and Eutropian and moderated by Anamaria Vrabie.
