Urban securityTo-nite - Community-based urban security
"The night can be a testbed for solutions to some of the main challenges of our local community, such as fostering urban security, reviving the sense of place and community spirit, offering new services to different categories of residents. Thanks to To-Nite, Turin can be an open laboratory for developing solutions to be replicated at European and global level."
Enhancing the perception of urban safety through collaborative policies based on social empowerment and active participation of residents and stakeholders is the main objective of To-Nite. Urban services and public spaces are designed mainly for being used during the daytime, while recent lifestyle trends show how these spaces and services are becoming increasingly attractive during the night, for the creation of new cultural, economic and civic opportunities.
Making urban spaces safer during the night is a major issue for the city of Turin and its residents. While traditional policies on urban security are actually showing their limits in contrasting these phenomena, the adoption of an innovative approach based on fostering the attractiveness public spaces will contribute to prevent urban blight, fostering at the same time the active inclusion of all the actors in the definition of night policies.
TO-Nite aims to deliver community-based urban security through community activation, empowerment and technology-based social sensing. This will allow the City to face the challenge by implementing multidisciplinary and co-designed solutions with communities aimed at improving the livability of public spaces and the perceived security of our communities.
TO-Nite will also improve City's capabilities to monitor the current situation, detect the rise of new phenomena, understand communities needs, and measuring impacts of co-designed solutions by collecting, processing and visualizing, in a coherent way, heterogeneous data generated by the city infrastructures and its communities in the context of urban security.
To achieve such objectives, the project intends to:
- conduct ethnographic and social enquiry activities in target neighborhoods and engage key stakeholders to understand the current culture of security (with specific regard to the night/evening experience),
- define the enabling role of infrastructure technology that could be placed in those areas, and elaborate a baseline and a model in support to City’s policy and services;
- develop an improved and integrated technology infrastructure (i.e. platform, beacons, geofences) to understand, analyse urban insecurity phenomena (security sensing) and to provide open intelligence (data as urban commons) to improve citizens’ awareness regarding their culture and perception of security;
- co-design with communities opportunities for urban regeneration and services aimed at improving social cohesion and protection in the use of public spaces at night/evening time. Impact oriented and sustainable co-defined solutions will be supported by dedicated acceleration programmes;
As a result, recommendations will be elaborated in regard of governance change’s needs and opportunities for the city of Turin.
- City of Turin
- Torino Wireless Foundation - NGO
- Engineering - Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - enterprise
- Experientia S.r.l. - enterprise
- Espereal Technologies - enterprise
- Socialfare - social enterprise
- European Forum for Urban Security (EFUS) - local authorities association
- National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI) - local authorities association
To-Nite will contribute to the spatial regeneration of the Dora riverfront, providing new urban furniture and regenerating an unused space located in that area. The project will intervene in two different areas along the Dora riverside, where both the target phenomena take place: lack of frequentation and nightlife in residential areas. At the same time, the collaborative process will highlight possible night services to be activated, as well as new entrepreneurial ideas and models for residents and innovators.
The proposed solution is expected to produce significant impact on:
- Enhance and strengthen capacity building and empowerment of local communities, by improving risk awareness and social resilience;
- Cross-sectoral preparedness to urban security management, by improving authorities’ capacity to prevent processes of urban blight.
- Improve spatial design and development of “security by design” concepts
April 2020: Ethnographic and social research in target neighborhoods and engagement of key stakeholders to understand the current culture of night security; elaboration of a baseline study on the enabling role of infrastructure technology for urban securities in the targeted areas
May 2020: Co-design with local community of services and actions aimed at regenerating targeted areas (Dora riverfront) and improving social cohesion and protection in the use of public spaces at night time.
June 2021: Activation of services at night time
December 2021: Improving spatial design and development of security by design concepts and actions to be carried out on Dora riverfront
February 2022: Development of an integrated technology infrastructure to understand and analyze urban insecurity phenomena and to provide data and models to improve citizens’ awareness on urban security
June 2022: Delivery of policy recommendations and indicators, to be validated at national and international scale