Edit 06 July 2020
by UIA Permanent Secretariat

UIA 5th Call for Proposals has ended: get an insight of the 11 new UIA projects

CALL 5 selected projects
CALL 5 selected projects
11 new projects have been selected in the framework of the 5th UIA Call for Proposals. As in previous calls, the competition among cities has been particularly intense with 222 proposals received, from 23 Member States.

After a very competitive assessment process, (only 14 proposals were shortlisted for the Operational Assessment), these 11 projects have not only been selected for their innovativeness but also for their capacity in establishing solid local partnerships with the right mix of complementary partners, in view of testing pilot ideas.

These 11 selected urban authorities will have the opportunity to experiment creative, innovative and sustainable solutions to cope with demographic changes; to tackle air quality major challenges; to preserve and enhance EU local culture and cultural heritage and to develop alternative circular economy models in cities.

The 11 selected urban authorities represent 8 different Member States with a wide EU geographical coverage (Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Slovakia, Spain). The full spectrum of EU urban authorities’ size is also largely represented as 8 of the selected urban authorities are middle sized cities (50 000 to 2500 inhabitants) and 3 are capital cities (more than 1 million inhabitants). As noticed in the applications analysis, in terms of partnerships, selected projects largely promote horizontal (and vertical to a lesser extent) integration with a notable strong involvement of the private sector (large enterprises and SMEs), education and research institutes and Interest Groups including NGOs.

In the coming months, each selected project will have a dedicated webpage with information on their implementation as well as the main learning points captured by UIA Experts.

Discover the 11 projects by clicking on the titles below:


CAIRGO BIKE - Brussels Capital Region

Région de Bruxelles-Capitale

ERDF budget: € 4,688,677.44

Recognising urban transport as major source of dangerous pollution levels, the Brussels Capital Region (BCR), seeks to radically improving air quality with the CAIRGO BIKE project. BCR first introduced a Low Emission Zone (2018), planned a full diesel ban by 2030, supported clean vehicle public transport, extended traffic free areas, promoted cycling, and developed a sustainable freight strategy and SUMPs. With CAIRGO BIKE, BCR seeks to accelerate a drive to clean air by tackling significant impacts caused by overuse of Large Goods Vehicles and cars for short and motorized trips. CAIRGO BIKE targets a modal shift, which implies a transfer from car or van to cargo bike. BCR develops an integrated ecosystem of complementary nudging strategies to foster a change of habits by creating services and tools to facilitate this cargo bike change. This innovative ecosystem will ease the access to cargo bikes, encourage citizens and professionals to use them, and create parking facilities. 

Partnership: Brussels Capital Region; 1 university: Vrije Universiteit Brussel; 1 cooperative: Urbike; 1 bike service provider: Remorquable; 1 non-profit organisation: Pro Velo asbl; 1 car-sharing company: OPTIMOBIL Bruxelles SA; 1 parking operator: BePark; 1 parking agency:; 1 environmental agency: Bruxelles Environnement.


INNOAIR - Sofia Municipality

Столична община

ERDF budget: € 3,712,553.52

INNOAIR seeks to make public transport in Sofia more appealing and convenient in order to tackle the main factors affecting air quality: the excessive use of private cars and traffic congestion. Therefore, the project will pilot for the very first time in Europe the concept of “on-demand green public transport”. Instead of driving on pre-defined routes, new e-buses will create a route map based on citizens’ demand submitted via a mobile application. The app will leverage machine learning and advanced data analytics to create the most efficient path for each ride, collecting as much passengers as possible. In addition, INNOAIR will establish “Green Corridors” with low traffic and clean air routes, as well as an innovative fare collection model that will ensure the project’s sustainability.

Partnership: Sofia Municipality; 2 universities: Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”; 2 non-for profit organisations: Sofia Development Association, National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria; 2 companies: Sofia Urban Mobility Centre, Telelink City Services; 1 national public authority: National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology.


AIR BREAK - Municipality of Ferrara

Comune di Ferrara

ERDF budget: € 3,999,989.44

The AIR BREAK project aims at reducing air pollution by 25% in selected areas of the city and at tackling related issues, such as commuting issues, lack of urban green spaces and lack of updated air quality information; It will do so by experimenting  an evidence/data based strategy and citizen-centric approach and integrating a set of innovative and tailor-based solutions. Through a holistic and bottom-up approach, AIR BREAK will involve citizens and stakeholders to go beyond the collection of air quality data and related monitoring approach; and implement concrete actions to transform “dark-high-emission zones” in “green-augmented-healthy zones”. The project lays its innovation in the integration of complementary solutions: in-depth knowledge about air pollution; innovative models to incentivise clean commuting and soft mobility; Nature Based and Smart Solutions to reduce air pollutants; and a co-creation approach based on innovative gamification and rewarding mechanisms.

Partnership: Municipality of Ferrara; 2 universities: University of Ferrara; Polytechnic of Milan; 1 public agency: S.I.PRO. Ferrara Development Agency; 2 private organisations: HERA S.p.A; Dedagroup Public Services; 1 SME: Lab Service Analytica srl; 1 research institution: Bruno Kessler Foundation.

RE/SOURCED - Leiedal Intermunicipal Association

Intercommunale Leiedal

ERDF budget: € 3,998,436.80

The RE/SOURCED project will build a direct current (DC) power grid, which links a collective set of distributed renewable resources (photovoltaic and wind) and energy storage (second-life batteries, pumped and flywheel storage in existing structures and vehicle-to-grid). Therefore, RE/SOURCED presents a unique combination of energy transition measures with lower material usage. The aim is to power up a large heritage site called “Transfo” near Kortrijk, Belgium. “Transfo” consists of social family houses, offices, a microbrewery and leisure & sporting facilities. The DC power grid will offer efficiencies both in terms of energy savings (less conversion losses) and in material usage (more capacity with the same amount of metals/materials). A local energy community, in which all users participate, will manage the shared infrastructure.

Partnership: Leiedal Intermunicipal Association and 1 municipality: Zwevegem municipality; 1 university: Ghent University; 1 regional public authority: Province of West Flanders; 2 business support organisations: Flux50,; 1 research organisation: Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO).

CAMINA - Almería City Council

Ayuntamiento de Almería

ERDF budget: € 4,364,691.76

CAMINA project boosts social integration and cohesion of marginalized groups of citizens  and neighbourhoods by sharing a new narrative of the city linked to a migrant historical memory and a new way to encourage cultural demand. This will be achieved by building an inclusive narrative of Almeria’s history that will be transferred to public space through innovation in urban design and technology, to integrate different deprived and ghettoised areas. A new innovative cultural governance model will be tested, combining cultural landscapes and a network of Civic Curators that will facilitate access and participation to non-traditional audiences. The involvement of associations and citizens in the process of design and execution of cultural programmes seeks a more participative cultural production in three neighbourhoods (Chanca, Almedina, and the City Center). The project will develop continuous Monitoring and Evaluation activities to measure the impact of CAMINA on its participants (Civic Curators and citizens) and evaluate the changes of perceptions about social prejudices and stigma.

Partnership: Almería City Council together with Almería's Provincial Council and Andalucía's Regional Governement; 1 NGO: Ibáñez Cosentino Arts Foundation; 1 education and training center: Municipal School for Music and The Arts; 1 higher education and research institution: University of Almería; 2 private companies: KUVER Audiovisual Productions; EPTISA Engineering; 1 SME: KHORA Urban Thinkers.


CUP 4 CREATVITY - Budapest, District 11 Újbuda

Budapest Főváros XI. Kerület Újbuda Önkormányzata

ERDF budget: € 4,260,912.32

CUP 4 CREATIVITY is addressing the loneliness issue as one of the major stress factors of this century. When triggered by excessive and exclusive use of digital communication, it turns into digital loneliness: providing the illusion of companionship but instead deteriorating human contacts. CUP 4 CREATIVITY will create an online cultural community, gradually involving its members into accessible and attractive online and real-life cultural events and creative activities. Bottom-up cultural initiatives will be joined and scaled up into an active cultural platform at district level, expanding the cultural scene to non-conventional venues (i.e. workplaces and commercial facilities). As a result, a self-sustaining cultural community of service providers and citizens will be developed, and will actively consume and create culture. This way, users will re-establish their social networks, embrace local cultural identity and become shielded from contemporary urban stress factors.

Partnership: Budapest, District 11 Újbuda; 2 public service providers: Központ Culture, Pedagogy and Media (KÖZP), Újbuda SMART11; 3 NGOs: Eleven Blokk Visual Art Foundation (EBLOKK), Cultural Eleven Association (KULT11), Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre Foundation (KÉK); 5 SMEs: SOART Innovations, Popcode Developments (PCODE), BURST (Bright Urban Solution Team), Kreater-group (MEET), ALLEE Center; 1 theatre association: MUSz; 1 communication services company: BT ROC (BTEL).


CoGhent - City of Ghent

Stad Gent

ERDF budget: € 4,761,525.16

CoGhent project aims at digitally opening up cultural heritage data and cultural production to everyone and uses the result as a backbone to create an immersive and inclusive experience room, called a White Space. This physical space will travel to three diverse neighbourhoods in Ghent. There, citizens will be able to access, use, and add onto the context-sensitive, query-based digital content from the cultural heritage collection, and share stories and objects from fellow citizens through immersive, interactive, storytelling and participatory activities. User and innovation research, as well as participatory activities, will contextualize data, ensuring that the project reflects the city's nature and composition (diversity, multiculturalism, ages ...). To enable access and cross querying, the project will develop an integration layer using open web APIs (Application Programming Interface). To ensure collaboration and maximize re-usability, CoGhent will centralize workflows from within a datalab, a co-creation space gathering the partners and stakeholders. The White Space will be given a permanent place in the future wing of the Design Museum Gent named DING, a permanent cultural third-place for continued collective knowledge creation.

Partnership: City of Ghent; 3 local public authorities: AGB Art and Design; AGB Heritage; Digipolis; 1 higher education and research institution: Ghent University; 2 NGOs: VIAA; iDrops; 3 private companies: Studio Dott; Inuits; Fisheye; 1 SME: Chase Creative.


Cultural H.ID.RA.N.T - Municipality of Halandri

Δήμος Χαλανδρίου

ERDF budget: € 3,133,296.00

The overarching challenge to be tackled by the Cultural H.ID.RA.N.T. project is to re-introduce the highly significant subterranean roman Hadrian Aqueduct in the contemporary urban life of Halandri, in order to raise local cultural and natural heritage awareness and contribute to citizens’ local wellbeing. The project will strengthen mnemonic dimensions in urban public space, contribute to conservation and cultivation of local cultural capital, and enhance walkability and access to quality green spaces. It will operate in a peripheral municipality, creating a paradigm shift from the present weak peripheral heritage branding compared to Athens historical centre. The project will employ Hadrian Aqueduct as Heritage Commons, Water Commons and a Community Network, re-introducing the cultural heritage asset beyond the usual ‘sight-seeing’ approach and towards a reconstitution of its contemporary use. As a result, water will become a cultural heritage ambassador, while cultural heritage will re-initiate sustainable water use and endogenous and resilient urban development to tackle both economic crisis and development pressures.

Partnership: Municipality of Halandri; 1 employees cooperative: COMMONSPACE SIN.ERG; 1 water supply company: Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company - EYDAP S.A.; 1 architecture and urban design company: Thymio Papayannis and Associates Inc.; 1 institute: Mediterranean Institute for Nature and Anthropos (MEDINA); 1 university: Regional Development Institute – Panteion University (RDI); 1 not-for-profit performing arts organisation: Ohi Pezoume Performing Arts; 1 Ministry of Culture Agency: East Attica Ephorate of Antiquities (EoA).


KSCreativity4WB - City of Košice

Mesto Košice

ERDF budget: EUR 4,562,859.00

The KSCreativity4WB project tackles the challenge of low citizens’ engagement and lack of trust in public institutions. Contemporary cultural heritage will be used as an interface between the city and its citizens in order to increase civic participation and public well-being. A Citizen Experience and Well-being Institute (CXI) will be established to collect and display evidence-based data to decision-makers and the public. For this, the project will create a Mobile Urban Laboratory to visualize data through media art installations and to engage citizens in the definition of urban challenges. It will be combined with an Urban Innovation Sphere for start-ups, traditional industries and entrepreneurs providing physical spaces, platforms for networking and different grant schemes to support prototyping of solutions addressing the challenges defined by the CXI. Sustainability will be ensured by the development of education activities such as a study programme focusing on data collection, analysis and visualisation as well as training modules for different target groups related to the use of data in urban policies.

Partnership: City of Košice; 3 NGOs: Creative Industry Košice; Východné pobrežie; Košice IT Valley; 1 university: Technical University of Košice; 1 public service provider: K13 – Košice Cultural Centres; 2 SMEs: ANTIK Telecom; Civitta Slovakia; 1 private company: ASBIS SK.


ForwArt -City of Tilburg

Gemeente Tilburg

ERDF budget: EUR 4,239,812.24

The ForwArt project aims to create a cultural ecosystem in an ethnically mixed and deprived area of Tilburg using the preventative power of art: from a place to hide to a place of pride. By enhancing youth identity exploration, intrinsic self-expression of culture and the development of new role models, the project seeks to build up subjective well-being, reduce criminal activity and increase social art participation. This goes along with changing public service offers including police, youth work, social housing with the help of art engagement in order to make them more appreciated, more client-oriented and effective. The project offers youth at risk wider perspectives, positive role models and alternative pathways than those leading to criminality. Different art mediums like dance, fashion and theatre will be used. Permanent art expressions e.g. mountable sculptures, murals, street art and internal corridor designs will be produced to make the urban texture welcoming and open for individual expressions of culture.

Partnership: City of Tilburg; 1 dance company: Corpo Máquina; 1 national theatre company: Het Zuidelijk Toneel; 1 NGO: FASHIONCLASH; 2 public service providers: ContourdeTwern; WonenBreburg; 1 education and training centre: Onderwijsgroep Tilburg; 1 public company: Community Media Center Tilburg; 1 local public authority: Police Zeeland-West-Brabant; 1 infrastructure provider: BPD Development Ltd.; 1 higher education and research institution: Tranzo, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioural Science, Tilburg University.

S.T.E.P.S - City of Verona

Comune di Verona

ERDF budget: € 3,999,778.52

Verona is experiencing a decreasing birth rate/ageing population and a considerable increase of single-person households. Acknowledging this particular demographic context, S.T.E.P.S. promotes an innovative social and territorial model, aiming at the prevention and treatment of negative symptomatic features (i.e. loneliness), with the belief that a welcoming, inclusive and caring environment helps to prevent degenerative states of wellbeing/health and increase people's quality of life.  S.T.E.P.S will define the dimensions of loneliness in the wider framework of vulnerability, by creating a Loneliness Index - based on the data collection of the local population - which will be used for decision-making processes and the creation of a local welfare service provisions. Through the regeneration and mapping of small and large urban spaces, restoring their function of community oases and welfare providers, S.T.E.P.S. will empower citizens to take actions against loneliness, while offering solidarity activity, economic benefits and services to the community. All these will be combined with a strong digital component, which will strengthen the correlation between relationships and the physical urban spaces.

Partnership: City of Verona; 1 social housing agency: ATER; 1 university: University of Verona; 5 social cooperatives: ARIBANDUS; CAUTO; Energie sociali; MAG; Sol.Co. Consortium; 1 Local association: Verona Fablab.

Check out the Commission news about the UIA 5th call winners.

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