SASMob Pavilon in the event of European Mobility Week Szeged

Previously, the City of Szeged has marked European Mobility Week by organising a car-free day event. For 2018, the city also took the opportunity to present the SASMob project and organise various awareness raising actions.
For example, as part of the World Car-Free Day event on September 21st, SASMob had a special stand where hundreds of local citizens were able to obtain information about the project’s plans and activities.
Additionally, nearly 100 people took part in a special survey organised by the University of Szeged (one of the key project partners). The survey investigated cycling habits, bus travel times, bus line routes, etc. This micro survey is the part of collection of data for SASMob Project. All of those who took part were given an information card with a QR code, and this QR code linked to the SASMob project website where up-to-date project information about the project can be accessed. As a unique design twist, these cards had a reflective surface so that they could also double as safety reflectors for cyclists.
What is more, the Szeged Transport Company exhibited their new in-house designed trolleybus and several child-friendly programmes on the topic of multimodality were organised and enthusiastically received.
Finally, to introduce the SASMob Project, the project partners’ experts gave a series of presentations to 70 representatives of 11 different local companies.