Mobility management at company level has matured over the last 2,5 years of project implementation. As the project manager from SZKHT project partner has put it: SASMOb was needed to create a momentum, the framework, to develop fora for joint thinking and joint actions.
The measures we introduced at company level towards sustainable mobility are very popular within our company, such as the bike-breakfasts, the company recreational bike-tour or the additional paid holiday for frequent bikers. This year we rewarded 99 of our employees with an extra paid holiday, because they used the bike for commuting for more than 50% of all working days. This is a great achievement and we are determined to keep these motivational actions alive even after the end of the project lifetime. I feel that it required more energy to initiate these actions than to maintain and run them. For example to establish the legal and organisational background for the paid extra day off, to define the director’s instructions, that required attention and time. To maintain this opportunity, our lock system automatically monitors our employees cycling habits, so it is easy to run this sustainability option open for the employees. Or equally for the rentable bicycle fleet we only need a yearly check-up on the bikes to run the service. (Viktor Ganyecz, SZKHT)
SZKHT was one of the most active and most innovative players for mobility management at company level. They were one of the main drivers for behaviour change in the city. It also shows that the success of the project largely depends on how the employees and mobility managers experienced the project. At SZKHT the project was a clear success, with a very high level of involvement. Nearly a hundred employees were cycling for more than 50% of the total working days - is a clear sign of success.
Strong commitment from employers is essential to the successful realization of hard and soft mobility measures. It is easier to achieve if if the company/ employer branding is in line with the project goals, such as with IT companies or with the city utility company (SZKHT). Companies with strong employer branding can be very successful in promoting more sustainable mobility modes in everyday commuting.
The time arrived to organise and plan the mechanisms to maintain and to sustain the results and achievements at city-level. With a well-functioning framework the future running of the system might not require that much of resources.
Szeged is the first Hungarian city which deals with workplace mobility at city level and thus it is a pioneering city with pioneering experiences. (Szabó Noémi Mobilissimus)
The main innovation in the SASMob project was the creation of a cross-sectoral (public and private) partnership, which has been very successful and very beneficial for the City. At the same time, the coordination and the unification of the common work processes took a lot of effort . However, these efforts invested efforts pave the way to sustainability of the created structures. It is jointly believe by partners that the strongest element of the project is the company network established.
SASMob can build on the strong network of companies working side by side on mobility management. This is the strongest element of the SASMob network. To be a mobility manager at company level became an accepted position, officially recognised task within HR management.
Commitment towards sustainable mobility has been transformed into action with "painful consequences" for car drivers. Strong commitment from the employers is essential to the successful realization of hard and soft mobility measures. The commitment of MUA has been transformed to action. Municipality of Szeged have shown a good example to all employers in Szeged and eliminated 400 free parking lots reserved for municipal employees around the municipality building, schools and other public offices in the inner city. This is both a symbolic act and a practical one to curb car traffic in the inner city of Szeged.