Project news
Edit 08 April 2020
by MILMA project team

MILMA’s development during Covid19 crisis

MILMA’s development during Covid19 crisis
Design and front-end web develomment BC Lab - before starting the training
Although MILMA’S third edition could not start because of COVID-19, the Project continue working. COVID-19 crisis was unexpected for all. Although MILMA team has been working on possible risks, it was not contemplated. However, it is true that all people and entities involved in MILMA are collaborating to mitigate the risk.

The last training week for Design and Front-End Web Development BC Lab was an online training. Due to the complexity of the situation, the leading company facilitated the last sessions in an online way, as well as the ETEIs session. It was easier because participants facilitated the situation too, with understanding and empathy. 

Moreover, although some companies decided to cancel the non-labor practices because of COVID-19, most of them decided to provide online non labor practices for this BC Lab. It means that 15 people are now taking some experience related to design and front-end web development even during confinement. 
Regarding to other BC Labs, all of them have finished before the crisis, so COVID-19 did not affect them. 
Regarding to MILMA in this time, the team continue working. We are providing advices for unemployed people in social media as well as in MILMA website. Moreover, we are working on MOOCs, so unemployed people could follow some curses relative to soft skills and employment skills. 
Finally, it is important to note that the team is working in the implementation of the next edition, although it all will depend on how much time will the crisis expand. In the case all participants have the needed resources, it is possible that at least one of the BC Lab started in an online way, so the team could save some time. In the next weeks, the team will evaluate the possibility of have some more online trainings. 


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MILMA (Migrants Labour Integration based on Acculturation) was a project funded by the EU, through the Urban Innovative Action (UIA) that promoted int...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Integration of migrants and refugees
The 5th edition of the milma project is ongoing

The 5th edition of the milma project is ongoing

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MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Integration of migrants and refugees
November, a good month for the MILMA project's dissemination

November, a good month for the MILMA project's dissemination

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MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Integration of migrants and refugees
Fourth edition in numbers BC Labs Fuenlabrada

Great results of the fourth edition of BC Labs

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MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Integration of migrants and refugees
Milma news

MILMA project's it is still ongoing

As the Mayor said last June in the closing event, the MILMA project is ongoing with own funds, because of the successes obtain due to the high level o...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Integration of migrants and refugees
Great labour insertions MILMA

Great labour insertion results in the health orderly BC LAB.

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MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Integration of migrants and refugees
Milma's projects closing event

Milma project’s closing event

3 years after the start of the project, the time has come to celebrate the successes and share the lessons learned from the MILMA Project, funded in i...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Integration of migrants and refugees
Milma final event

The MILMA project’s final event will take place on 30th june.

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MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Integration of migrants and refugees
Milma video

Milma Project, the path to employment and inclusion.

Fuenlabrada City Council has worked, thanks to funding from the UIA Program, on the implementation of the MILMA Project to offer an efficient and inno...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Integration of migrants and refugees
Third edition results

Good results of the third edition of BC Labs, despite COVID-19

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MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Integration of migrants and refugees
city hall

The City Hall will support MILMA as an labour and multicultural inclusion policy, at least until 2023

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MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Integration of migrants and refugees
Meeting fuenlabrada

Managing Cultural Diversity In Companies on-line event

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MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Integration of migrants and refugees
Mesa redonda, gestion de la diversidad

Managing Cultural Diversity In Companies on-line event

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MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Integration of migrants and refugees
Fourth eddition of BC LABS is already on going

Fourth eddition of BC LABS is already on going

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MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Four BC labs have started on site in CIFE and in Los Arcos facilities

Four BC labs have started on site in CIFE and in Los Arcos facilities

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MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

MILMA inaugurates the new training facility "Los Arcos"

MILMA inaugurates the new training facility "Los Arcos"

The opening of this renewed facilities will host two of the trainings planned for this 3rd edition of Milma Project: Hospital warden and Installation ...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

A MOOC on soft skills with MILMA

A MOOC on soft skills with MILMA

Due to COVID-19 crisis, MILMA Project has developed a MOOC composed by 12 video related to soft skills. The proposal was being a support for unemploye...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

New MILMA videos

MILMA Innovative Training Labs and life stories

MILMA Innovative Training Labs and MILMA Life stories are the new MILMA videos in our MILMA’s YouTube channel. ...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

MILMA project launched its third online training: “urban and industrial waste management

MILMA project launched its third online training: “urban and industrial waste management"

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MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

MILMA project launched its second online training: “gardening assistant”

MILMA project launched its second online training: “gardening assistant”

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MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

New online MILMA training launched in April!

New online MILMA training launched in April!

Web design and development training, which has started this week, is being developed with an on-line methodology due to COVID-19 crisis. ...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

MILMA project launched a new online training “keys in job seeking”

MILMA project launched a new online training “keys in job seeking”

Due to COVID-19 crisis, MILMA Project has developed a MOOC composed by 12 video related to soft skills. The proposal is becoming a support for unemplo...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Labour integration results from first round of MILMA Labs

Labour integration results from first round of MILMA Labs

During December 2019 we have been interviewing participants from the first round of BC Labs in order to know about their labour integration. In this ...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Go local: supporting regions, cities and rural areas

MILMA project invited to share our experience in the event “Go local: supporting regions, cities and rural areas”

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MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Informative session

The second edition of BC Labs has just started

During September, the selection process for BC Labs was executed and finally 131 people are being trained. ...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

End of BC Labs first edition

Milma’s first edition of BC Labs has been completed

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MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

What companies think about MILMA

What companies think about MILMA

MILMA’s Companies Network evaluated their collaboration after the end of the first project’s edition. After the first edition, more than 200 companies...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Pic from the Zoom-in

MILMA Zoom-in 1: The entrepreneurial approach

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MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Milma journal 4

MILMA's innovative approach towards improving integration of migrants - Journal 2

In his 2nd journal of the MILMA project, UIA expert Dario Mazzella highlights the progress of the MILMA Project in Fuenlabrada in the last month. It ...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Urban Future Golbal Conference

MILMA attended to the Urban Future Global Conference in Oslo

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MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

First inter BC-Labs MILMA meeting

First inter BC-Labs MILMA meeting

On 17th may, all MILMA laboratories attended a meeting in order to make contact with the participants of the others labs. Before the meeting started, ...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain


MILMA BC-labs start! Building skills for labour and social inclusion

Since 25 March, all the laboratories have been launched and the partner companies are providing training in key areas identified in the previous phase...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Corina Creţu visit MILMA

Visit of the European Commissioner, Corina Creţu, to MILMA project

Corina Creţu, European Commissioner for Regional Policy in the European Commission since 2014, visited Fuenlabrada and the MILMA project. She set Fuen...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Milma Commission Research and Analysis

The Commission for Research and Analysis is constituted

Ten entities attended the first meeting for the constitution of the Commission that will be responsible for supporting the dissemination of training a...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

ICT international conference MILMA

MILMA attended international practitioner exchange event on inclusive opportunities in ICT

The ‘Inclusive Opportunities for ICT’ conference, organised in Brussels on 06 and 07 February, gathered more than 100 experts from Europe and beyond. ...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

II forum Sevilla

Javier Ayala presented Milma project in the II global forum of local governments, celebrated in Sevilla.

75 cities from all over the world were represented in the II Global Forum of Local Governments. The objective was to exchange on municipal policies in...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Informative session BC Labs

Participants selection process for MILMA’s BC Labs has begun

Participants will be integrated into seven working groups, and they will test an innovative methodology for employment....

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Network of compabnies collaborating on MILMA

The network of companies that will collaborate on the MILMA project has been established

On 28 November 2018, 40 enterprises and entities have signed a Protocol with the City Hall of Fuenlabrada to collaborate on the MILMA project on innov...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Eurocities Forum

MILMA attends EUROCITIES Social Affairs Forum Meeting

MILMA, through Fuenlabrada City Hall, attended EUROCITIES Social Affairs Forum Meeting in Stuttgart to exchange experiences and good practices with ot...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Fuenlabrada Journal 1

MILMA UIA Expert Journal – creating an open and inclusive labour market

UIA Expert, Dario Mazella, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented ...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

MILMA Project is working

Since the start phase finished MILMA team have been working on the survey and identification of potential social enterprises linked to theme of each d...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain

Let's get started!

Javier Ayala, Mayor of Fuenlabrada, has signed with MILMA Project’s partners the agreement for the Project implementation. This initiative has a budge...

MILMA Project - Migrants Labour Integration Model based on Acculturation Project

Integration of migrants and refugees

Fuenlabrada - Spain