MiFriendly Cities Journal 2: Meeting, talking and confidence building

“This second journal of the MiFriendly Cities project relates to the most fundamental elements of our societies, which are our capacities to meet, to talk and to build up our self-confidence. These are elements which ordinary people need, so that we can live together. They are even more necessary in the case of the welcoming and integration of new inhabitants, be they persons from another part of the city, another part of the U.K. or another country. Sharing emotions, combatting loneliness or reinforcing the need to belong are very strong stimuluses, which migrants, refugees and inhabitants all use and develop, thus creating the communities of today… and for tomorrow. The Journal 2, will cover these vital elements through the prism of three key actions of the MiFriendly Cities project: innovation, social entrepreneurship and people’s rights.”
Check out what else UIA Expert Peter Wolkowinski has noticed about Coventry’s project in the past months!