Let's get started!
Appart from the Mayor of Fuenlabrada and councilman for Employment, Francisco Paloma, as representant of Formation and Employment Initiatives Center; Álvaro Retorillo from Santa María la Real Foundation; Julián Menéndez, from corporate asociation on the social economy ambit ASALMA; Pablo Llano from CESAL; and Mimoun Amrioui from Islamic Community Association of Fuenlabrada, have also participated in the signed of the agreement.
“From this week on we are developing, in Fuenlabrada, a completely experimental and ground breaking Project, that has never been executed before anywhere in Europe, and it must set the example for future experiences" has explained Javier Ayala, Mayor of Fuenlaplada. Ayala also emphasises the importance for Fuenlabrada of being selected by the European Union for developing this Project. Very few cities of Europe have received this type of funding. This Project is a recognition to Fuenlabrada in the group of the most innovative cities”, has Ayala insisted.
The objective is to generate an efficient and innovative model of access to employment, as well as developing new mechanisms in order to facilitate labour integration of unemployed people. It is about an experimental Project that has not been developed on the continent yet.It is intended to generate solutions for future challenges.
The European Union has emphatised about Fuenlabrada's project three important aspects: in the first place, the opportunity for unemployed people of learning linked to development of products and services (Business Challenges Lab) on 7 niches (Green Production, Urban creation and Recycling, Communication multimedia production/development, Installation of devices, Digital production, Provision of elderly care and Catering).
In second place, the promotion of teamwork through Experimental Teams of Employment and Integration, that will develop demanded services and products by local companies.
Finally, the creation of a business network that actively participate on the labour integration, as well as on the identification of market demand of products and services, facilitating the labour training and supporting entrepreneurship.
The program which is developed with public-private collaboration, lasts 36 months and it will make it possible, not only to promote employment and entrepeneurships in market niches with high growth potential, but also to facilitate the social cohesion and the contact between different cultures.