As underlined in Journal 2, the Urban Security Conceptual Data Model was conceived as a flexible model that considers data availability. In 2022, the final Urban Security model was validated. It confirms the nine clusters of determinants on the perception of security that emerged from the qualitative research (identity; education and cultural capital; familiarity with places; resources and uniqueness; social cohesion; condition of places; attendance of places; employment; association of networks) with the addition of the dimension of social media analysis. Currently, this tenth dimension needs to be further investigated due to the limited amount of data. However, in the future, as soon as a certain threshold of data is reached, it could be activated. After one month of testing in June, Engineering (the ICT partner) deployed the final version of the Urban Data Platform (UDP) in September after having integrated new connectors to new datasets, correcting minor bugs and finalising thematic dashboards (municipal police reports, urban commons, urban regeneration projects and areas of intervention of EU funds).
Branches of the municipalities currently interested in the platform include the Municipal Police, Urban Regeneration Department, Education Department, and EU Funds and innovation department.
The UDP has all the potential to facilitate good decision-making. The municipality has successfully made the Platform available for decision-making beyond the urban security topic, and the interest of the city education services, and the urban regeneration branch only confirms this.
Paradoxically, in 2023, more effort should be put into fully exploiting the Urban Data platform for urban security perception, particularly paying attention to updating data. Perception is challenging to analyse, requiring continuous adaptation of the designed model. At the moment, two alerts should be put on: 1) the data of the Urban security model that came from sources (such as the survey administered in Tonite) that need to be repeated in future to maintain the validity of the model; 2) the sensors that do not seem to have reached the significant amount of data required for a functional model.
By June 2023, the UDP will migrate from the Engineering server to the Turin municipality server. By the end of 2023, it should be clear how the Platform has been included on a regular basis in the decision-making of the municipality.