GSIP Expert Journal 1: Get to know the project and what happened in the first 6 months!

He shares his insights on how jobs and skills in the local economy are treated in current EU policy and the Finnish national and local agendas, addressing also an issue of great interest to urban practitioners: the overall City of Vantaa policy and administrative context.
Most importantly, Gabriel shares his thoughts on the main features of the GSIP concept, explaining i) the policy rationale, ii) aims, objectives and expected results, iii) partnership and iv) the high relevance to the EU, national and regional policy agendas on jobs and skills in the local economy.
He guides his audience through all the project’s major achievements and accomplishments so far, and discusses the development of the project through the lens of the seven implementation challenges while identifying lessons of interest to local leaders and urban practitioners. Read through to get the first taste of GSIP!