Great labour insertion results in the health orderly BC LAB.

These are amazing news for us. Day by day, the technical team is having calls and emails of participants that confirm “The hospital called me for a contract”. We are so proud of them.
Only counting labor insertion in Fuenlabrada’s hospital, 32% of the participant are working. The amount of people that are working in a different hospital is about 40% and considering people who are working in other sectors 45% of people are working after the end the training.
Yesterday, in the final event of the MILMA project, Tomás Sebastian (Director of Nursing the Fuenlabrada Hospital) said that this kind of partnership between the Hospital and the MILMA project is an excellent option because they need people with specific training who will be ready to start to work.
As you probably know, the MILMA project is going to continue with municipality funds, at least one year more. So, we hope many people can find a job in this vocational and wonderful sector.