Nowadays, when concerns about depletion of natural resources - air, soil, water pollution - and the climate crisis are a starting point, techniques that go beyond the conventional restoration of degraded land (physical remediation) are more cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and timely. The SPIRE project provides fundamental evidence-based analysis and data for applying correct and accurate management practices, with a special focus on obtaining feasible solutions.
A selection of representative pilot sites are being tested to assess an innovative regenerative urban ecosystem concept within a 3-year implementation time. Five (5) planned pilot sites in Baia Mare are being revegetated through the SPIRE project, aiming to achieve the following:
1. Ensure phytoremediation: prevent vertical migration of pollutants and remove the heavy metals in time by using hyperaccumulator plants that can perform phytoextraction;
2. Obtain biomass from energy plants;
3. Integrate existing plant species that currently perform phytoremediation at the pilot sites in the landscaping plan because these are well-adapted to the local conditions;
4. Return these sites to the local community by making them attractive through landscaping and by providing a safe outdoor space;
5. Ensure cascading ecosystem services or secondary valorization options.
The re-naturing plan strongly relied on these objectives when selecting the plant assortment. Phytoremediation technics will be optimally performed by tailoring plant-selection per pollutant from each location.