City of Antwerp integrates several Sustainable Development Goals from the UN in CURANT

CURANT’s project manager Jolien De Crom also visited and presented CURANT to different stakeholders at the UIA project from Utrecht PLAN Einstein (U-RLP Utrecht Refugee Launch Pad). Plan Einstein shows how the neighbourhood can be integrated in the life of refugees. Close contacts between local inhabitants and refugees can create more involvement of locals and their intolerance against newcomers decreases.
During the conference, the UIA project of Vienna, Utrecht and Antwerp had the opportunity to discuss, with the UIA project-officer and -manager, how to disseminate the results from the first UIA call projects.
“It’s still a challenge to find a good way to disseminate project results when the project will be finished. Projects are temporary but their findings and the gained expertise shouldn’t be”, concluded Jolien De Crom.