“Civic curators” have been testing in Almeria an innovative approach to produce culture through co-creation. They involved local associations, cultural users and citizens to co-design the cultural programme (2023-2024) of Almeria, guided by CAMINA's cultural delivery partners.
Civic curators have the responsibility of co-creating and co-implementing cultural activities to be realised in the three “cultural nodes – lighthouses” located in the neighbourhoods that CAMINA is willing to regenerate and re-connect with the whole city of Almeria. The three “cultural nodes – lighthouses” are: the Katiuska cinema in La Chanca-Pescaderia, the Museum Doña Pakyta in the Centre and the Mesón Gitano in Almedina. The civic curators will co-design artistic and cultural initiatives to animate the urban public spaces of the three neighbourhoods, linking to the idea to transform the whole urban area in an Open-air City Museum.

The Civic Curators are six social laboratories for co-designing cultural activities, focusing on performative, fine and audio-visual arts. A call for grant was launched by the Municipality of Almeria in November 2022 to select the members of civic curators. Thirteen were selected among twenty-two applicants, including local organisations and individuals, that participated as a single association or in consortium. The selected members were grouped in six laboratories, each of them guided by a CAMINA delivery partner.
The delivery partners working on culture have the responsibility to lead the work of civic curators with a role of mentors of cultural co-production. They are:
- Fundación de Arte Ibañez Cosentino, that promotes fine arts exhibition, is the responsible of civic curator 1;
- Junta de Andalucia - department of Alcazaba Cultural Heritage is the responsible of civic curator 2;
- EMMA, Municipal School for Music and Arts , is the responsible of civic curator 3;
- KUVER, audio-video producer, is the responsible of civic curator 4;
- Diputación de Almería is the responsible of civic curator 5;
- Junta de Andalucia - Andalusian Center of Photography has the responsibility of civic curator 6.
Moreover, Eptisa delivery partner is the coordinator of this activity, while the University of Almeria has the role of looking after the social objectives of the project and assessing the work of civic curators through a monitoring system active during the whole lifespan process.
The Novel Collective Narrative of Almería’s Cultural Landscape is the visioning scenario that has been inspiring the work of the civic curators.
For more information see the Journal 2 and zoom-in 1