European Regional Development Fund
Find inspiration and innovative solutions for your city
On 25.10.2023, the newly refurbished house in Mexikói út 11/B in Budapest's district Zugló was handed over to its 40 new residents within the framewor...
The mentoring programme for social housing tenants E-Co-Housing is about refurbishing an old building into an environmental-friendly, smart and inn...
How can a global sanitary crisis affect a single construction project in Budapest? A taste of the housing crisis in 2021 in Budapest: “The renta...
Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) and URBACT are joining forces to push the right to housing...
UIA Expert Annette Kuhk “elaborates on the ambitions of the E-Co-Housing project, with a zoom-in on the specific location (Gizella út), the programme ...
This final journal looks back at the successes and failures of the Home Silk Road project and shares some lessons for other Urban Authorities. ...
Home Silk Road's implementation officially ended in October 2002. However, the project did not suddenly stop. Ending the temporary occupation has been...
At the end of October 2O22, the Home Silk Road project officially came to an end. Six months later, this article looks back at the project’s achieveme...
An interview with Harout Mekhsian, Director, CCO Villeurbanne. ...
An interview with Mathieu Fortin, Social and Solidarity Economy & Entrepreneurship Officer at the City of Villeurbanne. ...
This Zoom-In digs into the inclusion dimension of the Home Silk Road by exploring the current situation of the homeless families who are being accommo...
This article shows how the Home Silk Road project is part of a bigger strategy to use temporary urban planning and architecture to provide solutions t...
Article on the opening of BaklAAVA restaurant/caterers on the Home Silk Road site...
A look back at the impact of COVID19 on Home Silk Road ...
Point de CHU...T is a rap and slam project developed at the initiative of young people living in emergency shelter on the site of the Home Silk Road U...
This journal describes implementation challenges in the second phase of the Home Silk Road project. This project is testing an innovative housing solu...
This Zoom-In takes a close look at how the Home Silk Road UIA Project fits into the broader Housing First strategy of the Metropole of Lyon. Housing F...
UIA Expert Ruth Owen presents Lyon’s initial challenges, the most relevant of which is “the participative approach for co-implementation. Using cultu...
MILMA (Migrants Labour Integration based on Acculturation) was a project funded by the EU, through the Urban Innovative Action (UIA) that promoted int...
UIA Expert, Dario Mazella, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented ...
How entrepreneurship education helps to face challenges in regard to inclusion in the MILMA project....
In his 2nd journal of the MILMA project, UIA expert Dario Mazzella highlights the progress of the MILMA Project in Fuenlabrada in the last month. It ...
Search below for such wonders of the project, as; - how to become a common platform, with your own powers, - how to cement partnerships between all ...
This final ZOOM-IN 3 concentrates on the unexpected results of the project, of which, there are many. They are surprising and show how strong individu...
In this Journal, UIA Expert Peter Wolkowinski shows “the incredible resilience of many of the MiFriendly Cities partners and participants"....
UIA Expert Peter Wolkowinski demonstrates “how, in normal circumstances the mixing of people coming from different countries and walks of life, can be...
UIA Expert Peter Wolkowinski reveals how the project has developed its impact measurement. ...
UIA Expert Peter Wolkowinski shares that “MiFriendly Cities has been running for 18 months and to celebrate this interim juncture partners have been l...
UIA Expert, Peter Wolkowinski, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented ...
A bottom-up dominated adaptation to the needs of migrants and refugees in building a ‘Coventry for all’...
The essential elements of creating communities, innovation and social enterprises...
Curing the Limbo, an initiative by the Athens Municipality, connects the issues of integration, housing, exchange economy and active citizenship in a ...
Curing the Limbo was an Urban Innovative Actions-funded pilot to develop a trajectory for refugees to find their new home through education, employmen...
Curing the Limbo is an Urban Innovative Actions-funded project to develop a trajectory for refugees to find their new home through education, employme...
This journal accompanies Curing the Limbo in its past half year of progress. ...
This Journal accompanies Curing the Limbo in its past half year of progress. By giving an account of the main activities and achievements of each proj...
UIA Expert, Levente Polyak, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented ...
Mapping the Victoria neighbourhood in Athens....
You want to capture the change that your project is bringing at local level? The new monitoring and evaluation platform is now online: browse through ...
UIA Expert Christoph Reinprecht and the CORE team produce a video on a key part of the project’s empowerment work stream. ...
Get to know better what Vienna is doing on the integration of migrants and refugees in this UIA Expert journal. ...
In his third journal, UIA Expert Christoph Reinprecht guides us through the role and relevance of voluntary activity both from the angle of refugee (s...
UIA Expert Christoph Reinprecht has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of ...
UIA Expert Daniel de Torres reflects on main takeaways from the project one year after its closure: “Thanks to the lessons learned, the project's appr...
This third and final zoom-in on the Plan Einstein project aims to provide a view of the project from the perspective of the intercultural approach. Al...
UIA Expert Daniel de Torres explains how “The final months of the project have focused on completing the actions and outputs foreseen in the work plan...
Get to know better what Utrecht is doing on the integration of migrants and refugees in this UIA Expert journal....
UIA Expert Dani de Torres has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Utrech...
UIA Expert Daniel de Torres highlights in this video the steps taken to create the project’s coffee of the world....
The decision of the Dutch national agency for reception of asylum seekers (COA) to anticipate the closure of Plan Einstein and the transfer of asylum ...
UIA Expert Daniel de Torres shares the latest insights....
Is the Plan Einstein (U-RLP) project contributing to the creation of a new narrative on the reception of refugees?...
This sixth and final journal of the Co-City project introduce you to the final steps of the Co-City Turin project, drawing also from the Co-City Final...
The purpose of this 2nd Zoom-in is to provide a concise and accessible overview of the analytical grid construed through the UIA Co-City journals and ...
UIA Expert Christian Iaione gives an update on the progress of 6 Co-City's pacts of collaborations and analyses how they played a role in enabling co-...
A discussion with Emanuela Casula, CO-CITY financial manager ...
The Co-City project has now come to an end. In this Journal 5, the UIA Expert Christian Iaione reflects on some preliminary conclusions that can be dr...
The city of Turin, thanks to the Co-City project, is now considered one of the most advanced experiment in Europe for the creation of new forms of man...
UIA Expert Christian Iaione has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Turi...
Get to know better what Turin is doing in this UIA Expert journal!...
UIA Expert Christian Iaione describes the progress made on the Pacts of Collaboration. ...
By addressing social exclusion and urban poverty, through public-private-community partnerships and innovative procurement, the Turin Co-City project ...
In his 5th journal of BRIDGE, UIA expert Eddy Adams looks into the lessons generated by the project – the ones that are left behind for other cities. ...
In his 6th journal of BRIDGE, UIA expert Eddy Adams looks into the lessons generated by the project – the ones that are left behind for other cities. ...
The pandemic and its aftermath have major consequences for international work. City authorities, and those working with them, need to adapt and develo...
Rotterdam and Madrid are developing innovative jobs and skills solutions through Urban Innovative Actions. Both address the challenge of raising skill...
Read the final report with conclusions from the jobs and skills in the local economy capitalisation activities...
In his 4th journal of BRIDGE, UIA expert Eddy Adams looks into the future legacy of the project. To name but a few, the high-level Work Learning Agree...
Get to know better what Rotterdam is doing on jobs and skills in this UIA Expert journal. ...
UIA Expert Eddy Adams has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Rotterdam ...
UIA Expert Eddy Adams highlights in this video animation the main elements of the BRIDGE project set in Rotterdam-South. ...
Read about the progress with a specific focus on monitoring and evaluation...
This latest Journal of the MAC Project is a critical narrative of a project that encountered many complicated moments to deal with during its implemen...
UIA Expert Pietro Elisei highlights in this video the steps being taken to bring new opportunities to the Monterusciello neighbourhood...
There are several elements of innovation within the urban regeneration path activated by the MAC project in Pozzuoli. ...
The current issue of the Journal focuses on the design and implementation path that has characterized the last 12 months, underlining the positive imp...
In this edition of MAC Journal, UIA Experts Pietro Elisei presents the implementation challenges and developments faced by the project. ...
Get to know better what Pozzuoli is doing on urban poverty in this UIA Expert journal. ...
UIA Expert Pietro Elisei has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Pozzuol...
Get the latest news about Pozzuoli’s project!...
The UIA Expert Pietro Elisei, in the second zoom-in for the MAC project, focuses his lens on the project process and on design pillars. ...
Here is the Final Journal of 5Bridges project led by the City of Nantes. Enjoy reading the project experience and finding inspiration by adopting, imp...
In his 3rd Journal, Freek Spinnewijn summarizes the activities that took place in the last months in the 5Bridges project....
Get to know better what Nantes is doing on the topic urban poverty in this UIA Expert journal....
In his 2nd journal of 5Bridges, UIA expert Freek Spinnewijn looks into how the project has left behind a difficult period and entered one with more op...
This zoom-in explores the potential of a strong link being established between the 5Bridges project and the recent national Housing First strategy lau...
The City government of Milan decided to set up an urban coalition with a series of partners (Universities, companies, associations) in order to apply ...
The last year of OpenAgri wasn’t an easy one. After more than three years, the project is coming to an end, and it is time to celebrate its results an...
The Municipality of Milan organised in June a two day event to discuss the future skills, new technologies, narratives and policies with which cities ...
In this last Zoom-in of Open-Agri, UIA Expert Miguel Sousa reflects on how the project has embedded an urban metabolism approach, with the aim of ensu...
In the fourth edition of OpenAgri Journal, the UIA Expert Miguel Sousa, presents the synergies and integration of the project into the broader Milan C...
Get to know better what Milan is doing in this UIA Expert journal!...
UIA Expert Miguel Sousa has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Milan fo...
In this first Zoom-In, the UIA Expert Miguel Sousa looked at one of the innovative aspects of the OpenAgri project in Milan, the Experimentation Labor...
In the third edition of the OpenAgri journal, the UIA expert Miguel Sousa, gives a complete overview of the latest development and challenges faced by...
In this Zoom-in, Miguel Sousa, UIA Expert for the OpenAgri presents an innovative instrument developed in the framework of the project: The Open Badge...
UIA Expert Alessandro Coppola drives us through the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Madr...
Get to know better what Madrid is doing on the jobs and skills topic in this UIA Expert journal. ...
UIA Expert Alessandro Coppola has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Ma...
UIA Expert Alessandro Coppola provides an in-depth look at how the implementation is changing the local economy. ...
UIA Expert Alessandro Coppola drives us through the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Mad...
In his 3rd Journal of the MARES project, UIA Expert Alessandro Coppola takes his readers in a journey of how Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) works...
Get to know better what Lille is doing on the topic urban poverty in this UIA Expert journal....
This last journal of the UIA TAST’in FIVES project accounts for the evolution of the project after UIA funding was stopped. It details the way it has ...
This Journal accounts for the overall achievements of the UIA TAST’in FIVES project after 3 years of implementation and in light of the prefiguration ...
Refugee Food Festival at L’Avant-goût (Lille) -©Charles Mangin In light of the experiences taking place throughout Europe, this article observes th...
Workshop on Libanese food (c)Les Sens du Goût The UIA TAST’in FIVES project, taking place in the Fives neighbourhood of Lille, France, has aimed at...
This Zoom-In presents an infographic of the analysis contained in the article Food-related activities as a leverage against urban poverty. It is based...
Faced with several issues that consistently delayed the works of the community kitchen and the surrounding spaces (mainly due to additional depollutio...
In his 6th and final journal, UIA Expert Nils Scheffler “focuses on presenting the lessons learned and recommendations from the 3-year long project, (...
UIA Expert Nils Scheffler explores how “USE-IT! has set up a free accredited community research training programme to train interested local people do...
Take a look at the latest developments!...
Get to know better what Birmingham is doing on urban poverty in this UIA Expert journal. ...
In this first Zoom-In, the UIA Expert Nils Scheffler looked at one key element of the USE-IT! Project: the creation of a community of social enterpris...
UIA Expert Nils Scheffler shares the project’s insights on how to qualify 180 local overseas migrants to become employees for the British health syste...
UIA Expert Nils Scheffler has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Birmin...
Third journal tells us how this complex project is being delivered and how it’s facing its challenges...
Interim results, lessons learnt and further actions needed....
Get to know better what Bologna is doing on the topic integration of migrants and refugees in this UIA Expert journal....
What happened to B-MINCOME during the pandemic when people lost their jobs or had their incomes cut? In September 2021, the Barcelona City Council an...
In a moment where welfare state has been retrenched and the public support becomes pivotal to respond to people’s needs arising from rapid and unstabl...
Get to know better what Barcelona is doing on the urban poverty topic in this UIA Expert journal. ...
With the end of the selection process of the 2000 families included in the different pilot schemes for Minimum Income, the project has now fully enter...
The B-MINCOME project is already in place. Nevertheless, as long as this pilot is made-up of different Active Social Policies, they should be consider...
In this first Zoom-in, Laura Colini, UIA Expert for B-MINCOME shows the approach taken by the project of combining the Guaranteed Minimum Income to di...
The Legacy of CURANT is a short video documentary telling the story of what is left of the project after its end. Through a series of interviews to me...
In his 5th journal of CURANT, UIA expert Fabio Sgaragli discusses about the legacy of the project and the concrete things that stay behind - for the ...
Get to know better what Antwerp is doing in this UIA Expert journal!...
With 39 duos of young refugees and local buddies already cohabitating, the delivery of the new modular housing units and a wide range of active inclus...
UIA Expert Fabio Sgaragli dives into the details!...
UIA Expert Fabio Sgaragli has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Antwer...
In his 4th journal of CURANT, UIA expert Fabio Sgaragli discusses the significance of a holistic approach to integration and the potential contributio...
The City of Verona, Italy, has presented S.T.E.P.S. (Shared Time Enhances People Solidarity) at an expert workshop organised by the Joint Research Cen...
The Project CAMINA finished in June 2024. With this Final Journal, Ileana Toscano, UIA expert, provides an overview of CAMINA focusing on project outp...
The last activity implemented by CAMINA (the project ended in June 2023) was the implementation of a “Cultural Circular Route” aimed at re-connecting ...
On 26 June 2024 the UIA projects focused on culture and cultural heritage CAMINA and H.ID.RA.N.T organised a joint online final event called “Engage.A...
On 8 May 2023 at the online webinar organised by ARCHETHICS, an URBACT Action Planning Network, CAMINA project was presented by the delivery partners ...
Ileana Toscano, UIA expert, in this 3rd Journal, focuses on the “Civic Curators”, the collaborative laboratories to co-design and implement cultural p...
Ileana Toscano, UIA expert, in this 2nd Journal, focuses on the Novel Collective City Narrative, built up with the contribution of Almería citizens an...
In this first episode developed for the project “CAMINA”, Ileana Toscano, UIA expert, introduces the Novel Collective Narrative of Almería’s Cultural ...
Ileana Toscano, UIA expert, in this 1st Journal, provides an overview of the policy context at local and international level, in which CAMINA has been...
At the end of September 2024 the City of Halandri hosted the first EUI Policy Lab. Aimed at exploring the role of culture and cultural heritage for st...
With the initiative proceeding to its final stages, along 2023 the experience brought about by Cultural H.ID.RA.N.T. helped the Municipality of Haland...
As Cutural HI.D.RA.N.T. comes to its end, outcomes and results are collected and prepared to be discussed locally, nationally and internationally. Th...
As the four urban regeneration areas take shape and the building sites proceed in their making, the pathways and development trajectories of the initi...
The establishment of a digital tool combining institutional and everyday knowledge, collecting, organizing and systematizing raw material into an open...
Representatives from the Halandri partnership participated last March on a study visit in the city of Torino. The visit was the occasion to present th...
Cultural H.ID.RA.N.T. interprets Hadrian Aqueduct as a vehicle to reveal local cultural capital, tangible and intangible heritage, natural and man-mad...
The recovery of Hadrian Aqueduct stimulates an important conversation about water as commons, something that belongs to everybody and that as such nee...
Cultural H.ID.RA.N.T. project in Halandri focuses a part of its activities into the shaping and strengthening of local identities, with a work on memo...
Cultural H.ID.RA.N.T. project in Halandri forsees the reintroduction into city life of the roman Hadrian aqueduct. The ancient underground infrastruct...
Cultural H.ID.RA.N.T. project in Halandri forsees the reintroduction into city life of the roman Hadrian aqueduct. The ancient infrastructure will gai...
I asked Paul Cornelissen, thematic project manager of ForwArt about his vision on youth empowerment and how is he turning it into reality within proje...
The occassion of the UIA officer Isabella Schneble's visit to Tilburg North provided an opportunity to have a glimpse into the artistic activities wit...
"Arts and culture deserve a similar acknowledgement of their relation to sustainable development as sport, as they have been proven to have social imp...
"A generation apart" - this frequent term makes us aware that youth participation is not an easy task to perform since those youngsters are at least a...
The UIA Expert Simone d’Antonio provides an update on what has happened with the project since its end date, with a focus on the impact produced in th...
2022 was a crucial year in which some of the most important activities developed: The urban data platform has been finalised; The projects ended in D...
2021 was a passing year. Some delays due to covid-19 hampers 2021 from being the crucial year of the success or unsuccess of the project. However impo...
The Tonite project includes two important urban renewal interventions. Today we talk with Valter Cavallaro and Samantha Ghirotto of the Municipality o...
In the framework of the Tonite project, a tender was launched with the goal of collecting proposals from local communities. The aims of the project ar...
Tonite project aims at improving urban security perception at night-time by providing new services with the citizens' engagement and more pro-active a...
Last April, the teams leading the Call 4 UIA Projects for urban security got together for an online meet-up: different cities, different contexts, one...
The resurgence of Coronavirus cases in recent days, making it clear that this second wave is upon us in Europe, is a good opportunity to focus our att...
One of the cornerstones of the Home & Care project is the integration of people who, due to their life situation, their background, and their skills a...
In the UIA project Home & Care, professional and social integration of single parents is tested with a new support model. Being a single parent in Ger...
In the UIA-project "home and care" of the city of Landshut, single mothers who work in the health care sector and single mothers who do an apprentices...
In the home and care project, a new form of childcare is being developed that enables mothers with their children and childminders to live together un...
The UIA project home and care targets the the further qualification of child minders to become educators and child day care workers. In doing so the e...
The Home and Care project in the German city of Landshut has set itself a goal. It wants to try out innovative ways to protect people from impending p...
The corona pandemic meant that the first contacts between the employees in the home and care project in Landshut / Germany and the UIA expert Prof. Dr...
Journal N° 1...
The most important goal achieved by the Upper Project is that knowledge of NbSs and their potential impact on marginal areas has been gained by the lo...
The Productive parks and Demonstration sites included in the Upper project today represent milestones from which the current and future government of ...
The results of the UPPER project demonstrate how NbS (Nature Based Solutions) offer the opportunity to practice transdisciplinary dialogues, to spread...
There were various environmental critical issues highlighted by the UPPER project for the territory of the Municipality of Latina, for which a range o...
The Canale delle Acque Medie (The Canal of the Middle Waters) symbolizes an element of structural interest for the urban center of Latina, representin...
After the success of the 2021 edition, the 2022 UPPER SEEDs were kicked off on 13 June. The activities in which citizens, schools and all those who h...
The selection of participants in the second edition of UPPER JOBS has been completed. The participants selected by the Labirinto Social Cooperative ha...
Thanks to the creation of two innovative platforms developed by the partners and integrated into a common observatory, the UPPER project is able to co...
The Journal is aimed to describe the activities of the UPPER project and the results achieved during the first period of implementation. It also descr...
UPPER project aims at transforming misused and abandoned urban green areas into Productive Parks (PP) devoted to research, technological development a...
This Journal marks the end of the Capacityes project, which has successfully wrapped up its activities in its final year. The journey wasn't easy, esp...
On Saturday, 6 May 2023, an event organised by the Municipality of Bergamo, the CAPACITyES project partners, together with stakeholders from the local...
The Capacityes project revolves around three central initiatives that reflect the regenerative path in Bergamo, with a particular focus on the Borgo P...
The annual national meeting of ANCI, which this year was held in Bergamo, was an opportunity to have a moment of direct comparison with various Italia...
This zoom-in, the second and final one of CAPACITyES, highlights how difficult it can be to complete redevelopment works in a period characterized by ...
In the Capacityes project, the active involvement of children and adolescents is reflected in the design and construction of the Hub4Kids. This struct...
The CAPACITyES project focuses on the fight against urban poverty. The added value of this approach lies in the fact that the project puts on the tabl...
Implementing projects accepted by local communities and, consequently, characterized by different types of sustainability, requires a long and methodi...
The CAPACITyES PROJECT identifies and manages the problems of urban poverty and marginalization through an urban regeneration paths characterized by ...
The low numbers of infected people during the summer made it possible to have an important dialogue with the target groups of the Capacityes project. ...
Bergamo had the great misfortune of being among the first cities in Europe to have been affected by the effects of COVID 19, when all over Europe it w...
The APTBC project has invested significant efforts in improving the parks in the central neighbourhoods of Seraing, which are the least green areas of...
This article is based on an interview with Aurélie Portois, currently project coordinator at the Maison du Peuple, and on some preliminary drafts cont...
While the project was concluded in August 2023, this final issue of the journal offers a critical reflection on the challenges faced during implementa...
This article is about the final event of the APTBC project, which took place in June 2023. The article presents how the results, ambitions and expecta...
The project A Place to Be-Come has recently closed. Ahead of the final event, all the project partners have shared their ideas about what the project’...
One goal of the project is to improve residents’ relationship with their local parks. This improvement involves on the one side improving the material...
'La Ruche à projets' has stopped being the APTBC temporary creative hub in central Seraing. However, it will not close its doors and its role as a com...
The third edition of the journal covers almost the entire 2022. The implementation of most of the project actions has been completed and the remaining...
The A Place To Be-Come project is built around one great idea: that inclusion can be promoted by building a community of local citizens eager to devel...
The city of Seraing has a bold plan to redevelop its post-industrial territory after decades of decline. In particular, some urban projects, such as a...
In Seraing, two shelters welcome people experiencing homelessness or great discomfort associated with instable and precarious conditions of life. The ...
This second journal covers the year 2021, between the first year and a half and second year and a half of implementation of the A Place To Be-Come pro...
Last October, a delegation composed by three members of the APTBC project management team, two city officials from Seraing and the UIA expert spent th...
In this journal, UIA expert Francesca Ansaloni provides an account of difficulties, challenges and achievements of A Place To Be-Come's first year of ...
La Maison du Peuple was built in 1916 in Seraing as a gathering place for the working class. “Before, social-democrat activists gathered in the old th...
Julien Bebronne and Lauranne Liégeois are respectively APTBC coordinator and project officer for Arebs, the municipal agency in charge of the project ...
A Place To Be-Come aims to tackle urban poverty in Seraing by investing in people and the enhancement of their well-being. This goal is expected to be...
Podcast with Action Aid...
This is the third WISH-MI journal and the first that has been produced since the full implementation of the project. ...
The City of Milan is opening new avenues in its drive to improve youth well-being in the city. To coincide with World Play Day, WISH-MI has launched a...
WISH-MI aims to improve levels of youth wellbeing in the city of Milan. Improving the quality of, and access to, available services, is an important p...
The City of Milan has launched a digital platform to offer wellbeing services to its young people and families. The platform is now operational, comp...
Wish-Mi is an ambitious wellbeing strategy for the young people of Milan. The model comprises a digital hub, enabling access to services, combined wit...
The second WISH-MI journal presents the state of play as the project prepares to go live. It draws upon material gathered during the expert visit to M...
A sneak peek of the WISH-MI hubs. City of Milan Director, Sabina Banfi. Shares her thoughts on the project’s new youth spaces with UIA Expert Eddy Ada...
Milan is one of a number of UIA cities exploring innovative financial tools to nudge behaviours. This article explores the Milan vouchers model, and t...
Milan is a city of 1.4 million people, 230,000 of whom are minors. It has a wide and growing rate of inequality, with 30% of its population either in ...
This slide deck shares the content and learnings from the WISH-MI youth co-design webinar held on 9th June 2021. ...
Like many cities, Milan faces the challenge of widening inequalities. This risk particularly affect the city's most vulnerable young people. The UIA W...
UIA projects have a transformative impact on urban environments by driving sustainable innovation, improving the quality of life for citizens, and pro...
Europe is the fastest-warming continent in the world, and climate risks threaten people’s health and several aspects of their well-being. According to...
The European Renovation Wave initiative is a crucial response to the pressing issue of energy poverty. The initiative is built upon the national long-...
This is the third journal of the Energy Poverty Intelligence Unit (EPIU) project since its start in September 2019. EPIU, led by Municipality of Getaf...
Domestic energy consumption data is considered personal data, at least as per the Spanish Supreme court declared in 2019 (STS 2484/2019). In the proje...
Public procurement refers to the process by which public sector organizations acquire goods, services, or construction projects from external supplier...
Consolidating the demand of a new public service is one of the challenges that urban authorities face when they innovate and design new services. One ...
There is a pressing need to identify effective policy solutions to inspire locally driven low-carbon transitions in EU cities. UIA has led a two-year ...
Synergies between projects can generate a wide range of opportunities for municipalities. For example, the ability to share knowledge and best practic...
In scientific terms, an ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather or landscape, work together to f...
Energy prices are at record highs and remain volatile in Europe. Situations of energy poverty are exacerbating and families in Europe are struggling t...
This is the second journal of the Energy Poverty Intelligence Unit (EPIU) project since its start in September 2019. EPIU led by Municipality of Getaf...
At corporate level, a business model is a strategy for operating a business. It describes how a company will generate value for its customers. Althoug...
In this article, UIA Expert Marta Garcia interviews the mayor of Getafe, Sara Hernández, to explore how the municipality is integrating EPIU, the UIA ...
Implementing an Urban Innovation Action implies a degree of risk for local authorities and a committed leadership is a requisite for municipal led inn...
Energy poverty is a situation in which households are unable to access essential energy services. With nearly 34 million Europeans unable to afford to...
This is the first journal of the Energy Poverty Intelligence Unit (EPIU) project since its start on September 2019. EPIU led by Municipaility of Getaf...
Although Ghent Knapt Op has come to an end, many participants continue to take on house renovations. Ghent Knapt Op has made a significant positive im...
After almost 4 years of intensive work and challenging times, Ghent Knapt Op came to a successful end in spring 2022. The project started in 2019 as a...
Ghent knap Op celebrates the end of a successful innovative project on upgrading and renovating homes of vulnerable citizens 'captive owners'. Althoug...
More than 500 people from the City of Ghent have been interested in taking part in the Ghent Knapt Op project and on improving their housing condition...
The third Zoom-in dives in the representation of the life cycle of the project through infographic diagrams and explanatory illustrations. The diagram...
Like many cities, Ghent suffers a lack of affordable housing: high-quality and energy-efficient homes. Quality homes that are affordable are scarce in...
As in most countries globally, commodity prices for building materials have risen in recent months. Anyone who is building or renovating has already s...
A view to a life-long living for seniors and vulnerable citizens. The City of Ghent puts at the forefront accessibility by making homes adaptable for...
The Gent Knapt Op (ICCARus) pilot project focuses on the renovation of existing substandard homes of vulnerable homeowners. The project aims to renova...
How to connect people despite the current Covid-19 pandemic restrictions? Ghent Knapt Op is a pilot project that not only sets up a new financial sys...
UIA Expert Martha Giannakopoulou reveals how “Gent Knapt Op launched a series of open calls (waves) and employed an intense communication strategy. Th...
As Ghent suffers a lack of affordable housing and rising housing prices, the Ghent Knapt Op project aims to renovate houses for vulnerable families an...
UIA Expert Martha Giannakopoulou “focuses on the most intricate and complicated part of the ICCARus (Gent Knapt Op) project so far: the selection crit...
Gent knapt op’ has just concluded successfully its first phase of selection process and 25 households and participants are ready to start renovations....
Gent, a city of 260,000 inhabitants just outside of Brussels, Belgium, is like many cities: it faces the problem of not enough affordable and quality ...
UIA Expert Martha Giannakopoulou shows how the project “addresses not only the provision of adequate healthy housing for vulnerable citizens but also ...
Come to 59-61 rue du Delta, 1190, Forest on the 4th of September, an unexpected sunny day in Brussels, and you will find the building of CALICO celebr...
UIA expert Laura Colini provides a descriptive overview of the project and focuses on the 7 UIA challenges. Furthermore, she explores “the model of th...
The main objective of CALICO is to realise more than a typical Community Land Trust (CLT) but an intergenerational inclusive cohabitation focussed on ...
One of the most innovative aspects of the ‘Yes, We Rent!’ project is to coproduce affordable rental housing through a collaboration between the munici...
Mataro's city council has developed an incentive scheme and untertaken four key activitites to mobilise private empty flats for the affordable rental ...
Mataro's tenants housing cooperative, Bloc Cooperatiu, provides affordable rental housing reactivating private vacant flats. This article describes ho...
The city of Mataró has developed an innovative housing project to provide affordable housing in the private rental market. In order to learn from the ...
On 18th of February 2021, the notary LOPEZ & ALBIOL formally approved Mataro’s new tenants housing cooperative ‘BlocCooperatiu’. Dedicated residents o...
UIA Expert Nils Scheffler updates us how “the acquisition of empty flats as well as the training of troubled adolescents for the renovation of the emp...
COVID-19 and its effects continue to be a reality in Mataró, but also for the project 'Yes, we rent!'. ...
Interview with Laura Font Mela, director of Salesians Sant Jordi-PES Mataró, how they have successfully shifted their physical training program for tr...
Yes, We Rent! – Training vulnerable young adults...
On 28th of September the time had come. The first owner, Antonio Martínez, signed the contract to make his empty flat available to the 'Yes, we rent!'...
UIA Expert Nils Scheffler explains that “so far, no serious challenges for the project have arisen. There is a quite strong political and administrati...
In order to acquire apartments for the 'Yes, we Rent!' housing scheme, the first information campaign measures were started and first apartments visit...
Mataró faces the problem of “people without flats and flats without people”....
In his 2nd Zoom-in, UIA expert of the Curing the Limbo project in Athens, Levente Polyak, explores how education and training activities within the pr...
In this second zoom-in output developed for the project “CAMINA”, Ileana Toscano, UIA expert, focuses on the “Civic Curators”, an innovative concept p...
On 21st February 2023 the Municipality of Almeria officially launched the activity of “Civic Curators - Social Laboratories for co-designing cultural ...
On the 21st and 22nd April 2022, CAMINA hosted the project officer Nelida Hancco-Herrera for a field visit in the places interested by the cultural an...
The project “Community Awakening and Multicultural Integrative Narrative of Almería (CAMINA)” has been fostering a new approach to promote Cultural Pa...
Cultural Hidrant is contributing the conversation about green and just transition in the Athens area, showcasing how city resiliency, strategies of ad...
Cultural Hidrant is becoming a watershed for inter-municipal approaches to urban development and water services management. With its 23 km long path...
In this final episode of the ForwArt podcast series, we sit down with Inez Raskovac, project manager, and Ulco Mes, cultural policy programme officer ...
A Commitment to Youth Empowerment. A dedicated team of young individuals is making a difference through the Noordvoerders platform. Bridgebuilders bet...
Join me as we delve into the impact of art interventions, hear inspiring stories from artists and young people as we discuss how art can be a catalyst...
Discussion about how the gender perspective became important in ForwArt project and how to give space to women in a neighbourhood renewal process....
The territory changes with physical work, but also through the story, the memory, the imagination of change. The UPPER stories are a collection of n...
Children's imagination can make our cities more welcoming and harbingers of inclusion-oriented messages, of symbolic meanings that can enrich our expe...
On February 2020, the Centre Public d’Action Social (CPAS) - the local institution that delivers social aid - and the project partner Natagora - a gra...
The first Zoom In of Cluj Future of Work is on Pata-Rât, a Roma settlement located near the city landfill which is one of the main focus of the Urban ...
Budapest_E-Co Housing_Journal 1 (May 2020)
Lyon_Home Silk Road_Journal 1 (Jan 2020)
Fuenlabrada_MILMA_UIAExpertJournal2 (March 2019)
Fuenlabrada_MILMA_UIAExpertJournal1 (Nvb 2018)
Fuenlabrada_MILMA_Expert Zoom-in 1 (Feb 2019)
Coventry_Mifriendly_UIAExpert Journal 3 (Octb 2019)
Coventry_MiFriendly Cities_UIAExpertJournal 2 (May 2019)
Coventry_MIFRIENDLY CITIES_Zoom-in 1 (Feb 2019)
Coventry_MIFriendly_UIAExpertJournal1 (Dcb 2018)
Coventry Journal 4: ‘Share My Language’ sessions
MiFriendlyCities @Coventry - Journal 5
Coventry Zoom-in 2_Changing realities in the West Midlands
A guide to developing a MiFriendly City
MiFriendly Cities Evaluation Report
Athens' lessons shared - Curing the Limbo
Athens_Curing The Limbo_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2019)
Athens_Curing The Limbo_UIAExpertJournal1 (Nvb 2018)
Athens_Curing The Limbo_Case Study Affordable Housing
Vienna_CoRE_UIAExpertJournal3 (May 2019)
Vienna_CoRE_UIAExpertJournal2 (July 2018)
Vienna_CoRE_UIAExpertJournal1 (Dcb 2017)
Utrecht_URLP_Journal 5 (Octb 2019)
Utrecht_U-RLP_UIAExpertJournal4 (March 2019)
Utrecht_U-RLP_UIAExpertJournal3 (Nvb 2018)
Utrecht_URLP_Discover the project!
Utrecht_U-RLP_UIAExpertJournal2 (June 2018)
Utrecht_U-RLP_UIAExpertJournal1 (Dcb 2017)
U-RLP Infographics
U-RLP in a few slides
Utrecht - U-RLP - UIA Expert Zoom-in 2 (July 2019)
Turin_COCITY_UIA Expert Journal 4 (Sptb 2019)
Turin_CO-CITY_Call for Collaboration Proposals
Turin_CO-CITY_UIAExpertJournal3 (Nvb 2018)
Turin_CO-CITY_Zoom-in1_Article (July2018)
Turin_CO-CITY_UIAExpertJournal2 (June 2018)
Turin_CoCity_UIAExpertJournal 1 (Jan 2018)
CoCity Zoom-in 2
Rotterdam_BRIDGE_Journal 5 (Octb 2019)
Rotterdam_BRIDGE_UIAExpertJournal4 (April 2019)
Rotterdam_BRIDGE_UIAExpertJournal3 (Nvb 2018)
Rotterdam_BRIDGE_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2018)
Rotterdam_BRIDGE_UIAExpertJournal1 (Dcb 2017)
BRIDGE - Project description - PDF
Pozzuoli_MAC_Journal 5 (April 2020)
Pozzuoli_MAC_Zoom-in (Sptb 2019)
Pozzuoli_MAC_UIAExpertJournal4 (March 2019)
Pozzuoli_MAC_UIAExpertJournal3 (Nvb 2018)
Pozzuoli_MAC_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2018)
Pozzuoli_MAC_UIAExpertJournal1 (Dcb 2017)
Nantes_5Bridges_Zoom in 1 (December 2018)
Nantes_5Bridges_UIAExpertJournal 2 (March 2019)
Nantes_5Bridges_UIAExpertJournal 1 (Dcb 2017)
Milan_OpenAgri_Journal 4
Milan_OpenAgri_Zoom-in (Sptb 2019)
Milan_OpenAgri_UIAExpertJournal3 (Nvb 2018)
Milan_OpenAgri_Zoom-in 1 (Sptb 2018)
Milan_OpenAgri_UIAExpertJournal2 (June 2018)
Milan_OpenAgri_UIAExpertJournal 1 (Dcb 2017)
Participative Urban Metabolism Open Agri - ZOOM IN 3
OpenAgri @Milan - Journal5
Madrid_MARES_Journal 5 (Jan 2020)
Madrid_MARES_UIAExpertJournal4 (March 2019)
Madrid_MARES_UIAExpertJournal3 (Nvb 2018)
Madrid_MARES_Zoom-in 1 (Sptb 2018)
Madrid_MARES_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2018)
Madrid_MARES_UIAExpertJournal1 (Dcb 2017)
Lille_TAST'inFIVES_UIAExpertJournal 1 (Dcb 2017)
Lille_TAST'inFIVES_UIAExpertJournal 2 (Octb 2018)
Zoom-in_Community research for a community-oriented urban regeneration
Birmingham_USE-IT_Journal 5 (Octb 2019)
Birmingham_USE-IT_UIAExpertJournal4 (March 2019)
Birmingham_USE-IT_UIA Zoom-in 2 (March 2019)
Birmingham_USE-IT_UIAExpertJournal3 (Nvb 2018)
Birmingham_USE-IT_Zoom-in1 (September 2018)
Birmingham_USE-IT_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2018)
Birmingham_USEIT_UIAExpertJournal1 (Dcb 2017)
Bologna_SALUS_UIAExpertJournal 1 (Dcb 2017)
Barcelona_B-MINCOME_Journal 5
Barcelona_B-MINCOME_UIAExpertJournal 4 (Sptb 2019)
Barcelona_B-MINCOME_Zoom in 1
Barcelona_BMINCOME_UIAExpertJournal3 (Nvb 2018)
Barcelona_B-MINCOME_UIAExpertJournal 2 (may 2018)
Barcelona_BMINCOME_UIAExpertJournal1 (Dcb 2017)
Final Evaluation report
Policy recommendations
Antwerp_CURANT_Journal 5 (Octb 2019)
CURANT_Evaluation report Octb 2019_PDF
Antwerp_CURANT_Project brochure
Antwerp_CURANT_Expert Zoom-in 2 (July 2019)
Antwerp_CURANT_UIAExpertJournal4 (June 2019)
CURANT 2nd Evaluation Report
Antwerp_CURANT_UIAExpertJournal3 (Nvb 2018)
Antwerp_CURANT_Zoom-in 1 (July 2018)
Antwerp_CURANT_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2018)
Antwerp_CURANT_Working paper_PDF
Antwerp_CURANT_Evaluation report_PDF
Antwerp_CURANT_UIAExpertJournal1 (Decb 2017)
Antwerp - Report - Co-housing and case management for unaccompanied young refugees
CURANT @Antwerp - Journal 6
Home and care - Final evaluation report
Home and care - Policy paper
Booklet - Gent Knapt Op
Ghent_ICCARus_Journal 1 (Jan 2020)
ICCARUS @Ghent - Journal 2
CALICO Final Evaluation report
CALICO Recommendation Report
Brussels_CALICO_Project brochure
CALICO Programme_EN
Mataro_Yes We Rent_UIAExpert Journal (January 2020)
Yes We Rent! @Mataro- Journal 2