The integrated approach is frequently used as shorthand for integrated territorial development. However, whereas an integrated approach implies the combining or intersection of policy fields, what distinguishes integrated territorial development is its focus on integrated approaches within a territory at a particular scale. The scales most commonly referred to, for example, in the New Leipzig Charter are the neighbourhood, the municipality and the functional urban area. Within the UIA projects the closest approximation to the functional urban area is the metropolitan area, although these are not the same. In general the UIA projects are focused on smaller territories than Article 7 integrated sustainable urban development approaches.
There is no widely accepted definition of the principles or dimensions that make up Integrated territorial development. In this report we have used four principles:
- Place-based approach - defining a territory and methods of analysis of the policy theme in that territory
- Multi-stakeholder and multi-level partnership - bringing together relevant actors from the territory and in the vertical governance chain in order to integrate cross-sectoral policies
- Participative approach - using codesign and empowerment tools for working with citizens and their civil society organisations
- Cross-sectoral approach - bringing together relevant policy fields to address the problem being tackled in the territory.
These four principles were examined across four project phases: co-design, implementation, evaluation and scaling up.