26 Nov 2019
05 Dec 2019

Register for the online one-to-one individual consultation sessions

Individual consultations
With the Call 5 deadline quickly approaching, do you have pressing questions that you would like to ask to the Permanent Secretariat? Individual consultations are one of the many chances to speak with our Project and Finance officers. They are now fully booked!

These sessions aim at supporting project promoters having already an advanced project concept/application and in need of specific technical advice from UIA officers a few weeks before the Call deadline. Please note that the Permanent Secretariat is not able to provide feedback on the innovative dimension of the projects. 
The consultations will be hosted end of November / beginning of December on the UIA online video-conference system. Once your slot is confirmed, you will receive a link to the system. Please note that you should install the WebEx PlugIn well in advance before the start of the consultation in order to join the session on time. 
Please note that given the expected high amount of requests, we will not be able to positively answer all of them. Therefore, the slots will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Should you have generic questions, we invite you to watch our webinars addressing the following aspects:
•    Creating UIA partnership
•    Strengthening your Intervention logic and Work Plan
•    Drafting your budget and making sure that costs are eligible
•    Planning your Project management and communication strategy 
You could also visit the FAQ section of our website.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions at info@uia-initiative.eu

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