News from the UIA projects
Climate adaptation
Green Minds - Green Minds - a planning and management system for sustainable land use and nature based solutions
United Kingdom
Green Minds, insight papers, case studies, and evaluations
Climate adaptation
Green Minds piloted new ways of implementing nature-based solutions within urban environments, developing an approach which we call urb..
Urban poverty
EPIU - Energy Poverty Intelligence Unit
Journal 4: One year after the end of EPIU implementation period
Urban poverty
UIA projects have a transformative impact on urban environments by driving sustainable innovation, improving the quality of life for ci..
Circular economy
RE/SOURCED Renewable Energy SOlutions for URban communities based on Circular Economy policies and Dc backbones
Leiedal Intermunicipal Association
Journal 4 - RE/SOURCED
Circular economy
Final Journal on the UIA RE/SOURCED Project..
Culture and cultural heritage
CAMINA -Community Awakening for Multicultural Integrative Narrative of Almería
How CAMINA invented a novel approach for cultural participation in Almería
Culture and cultural heritage
In this second zoom-in output developed for the project “CAMINA”, Ileana Toscano, UIA expert, focuses on the “Civic Curators”, an innov..
Air quality
INNOAIR - Innovative demand responsive green public transportation for cleaner air in urban environment
INNOAIR Final Journal
Air quality
Urban poverty
EPIU - Energy Poverty Intelligence Unit
How urbanism can contribute tackling summer energy poverty in cities
Urban poverty
Europe is the fastest-warming continent in the world, and climate risks threaten people’s health and several aspects of their well-bein..
Air quality
AIR BREAK- Co-producing healthy clean commuting air spots in town
Air-Break Final Journal
Air quality
This final Journal provides an overview of the progress and long-term impact of the Air-Break project in Ferrara, focusing on the key c..
Culture and cultural heritage
CAMINA -Community Awakening for Multicultural Integrative Narrative of Almería
Online final event for CAMINA and HI.D.RA.N.T.
Culture and cultural heritage
On 26 June 2024 the UIA projects focused on culture and cultural heritage CAMINA and H.ID.RA.N.T organised a joint online final event c..
Culture and cultural heritage
CULTURAL H.ID.RA.N.T. -CULTURAL Hidden IDentities ReAppear through Networks of WaTer
Engage, activate, procure. Sharing and confronting knowledge, internationally.
Culture and cultural heritage
As Cutural HI.D.RA.N.T. comes to its end, outcomes and results are collected and prepared to be discussed locally, nationally and inte..
UIA Knowledge Lab
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